Kids Trivia Questions #27Free Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
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Which character's middle name is Fauntleroy?
a. Donald Duck b. Elmer Fudd c. Willie Wonka d. Superman
Donald Duck - This was established during an episode when a picture of his draft card was shown.
Who created the character Big Bird?
a. Don Bluth b. Jim Hensen c. Walt Disney d. James Warner
Jim Hensen - Jim Hensen created the Muppets.
What is the capital of Mexico?
a. Caracas b. Carson c. Mexico City d. Lima
Mexico City - Lima is the capital of Peru.
On which continent would you find the country of France?
a. North America b. Europe c. South America d. Asia
Europe - Paris is the capital of France.
Rubies are red (my love) and sapphires are blue, but what color are emeralds?
a. Purple b. Yellow c. Orange d. Green
Green - Emeralds are a precious gemstone.
Which nickname was given to President Lincoln?
a. Old Hickory b. Fabulous c. The Fox d. Honest Abe
Honest Abe - Andrew Jackson was known as Old Hickory.
Which of these dogs would have black spots?
a. Dalmatian b. Poodle c. Cocker Spaniel d. German Shepherd
Dalmatian - Dalmatians can also have liver colored spots.
Which of these months is the shortest?
a. August b. February c. April d. May
February - During leap years, February has 29 days.
Which famous band wished they all could be "California Girls"?
a. Styx b. Supertramp c. AC/DC d. Beach Boys
Beach Boys - The Beach Boys were formed in Hawthorne, California.
In which sport would you hear the terms attack, en garde and epee?
a. Hockey b. Boxing c. Fencing d. Sailing
Fencing - You might also hear the terms dry, lame and lunge.
Which Candy bar used the slogan "Comfort in every bar"?
a. Milky Way b. Cookies and Cream c. Mars d. Snickers
Milky Way - Milky Way is a distributed by the Mars Candy Company.
Which superhero comes from the planet Krypton?
a. Superman b. Spiderman c. The Hulk d. Wolverine
Superman - Superman was created by Jerry Siegel.
Which of these is not a kind of car?
a. Koala b. Mustang c. Bison d. Cobra
Koala - There is also a beetle, a bronco, a jaguar and a cheetah.
At which fast food chain could you get a quarter pounder?
a. McDonalds b. Burger King c. Subway d. A and W
McDonalds - You could also get a McChicken and a Big Mac.
Which sport uses the terms huddle, quarterback and blocker?
a. Football b. Soccer c. Tennis d. Golf
Football - American football has four downs, Canadian football has only three.
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