
Forest covers one quarter of Russia.
Muhammad is the world's most common first name.
During world War Two, Oscars were made of wood because metal was scarce.
Philadelphia was the site of the first stock exchange in 1791.
Siberia used to use solid blocks of tea as currency.
Before going into space astronauts are not permitted to eat beans.
Confucius, at age 16 was a corn inspector.
To keep food from freezing Eskimos use refrigerators.
During World War Two the only elephant in Berlin was killed by the first bomb dropped by the allies.
In the 1830's ketchup was sold as medicine.
Casinos in Las Vegas do not have clocks.
If you refrigerate rubber bands they will last longer.
Animal crackers come in the shape of 18 different animals.
When leaving a cave bats always turn left.
The number of dimples on a golf ball is 336.
Dogs can get toupees in Tokyo.
In Switzerland it is against the law to slam your car door.
Scissors were invented by Leonardo da Vinci.
The cat is the only domesticated animal not mentioned in the Bible.
The Flintstones were the first prime time couple shown in bed.
In Las Vegas it is a crime to pawn your dentures.
Pillows made of stone were used by the Egyptians.
In one night a mole can dig a 300 foot tunnel.
Bruce Springsteen's 'Born in the USA' was the first US CD ever pressed.
In one year Mexico City sinks about an inch.
Chickens outnumber people.
The blood of a lobster is blue.