State Motto Matchup QuizPrintable State Motto Trivia Questions
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
North to the Future
a. Alabama
b. Colorado
c. West Virginia
d. Alaska
Alaska - The capital of Alaska is Juneau.
Equal Rights
a. New Mexico
b. Illinois
c. Wyoming
d. Washington
Wyoming - The capital of Wyoming is Cheyenne.
Eureka (Greek - "I have found it")
a. Massachusetts
b. Vermont
c. Maryland
d. California
California - The capital of California is Sacramento.
a. Pennsylvania
b. Wisconsin
c. Virginia
d. Idaho
Wisconsin - The capital of Wisconsin is Madison.
Freedom and Unity
a. Washington
b. Minnesota
c. Maine
d. Vermont
Vermont - The capital of Vermont is Montpelier.
Liberty and Independence
a. Rhode Island
b. Delaware
c. Georgia
d. Ohio
Delaware - The capital of Delaware is Dover.
In God we Trust
a. North Carolina
b. Connecticut
c. Florida
d. Washington
Florida - The capital of Florida is Tallahassee.
Agriculture and Commerce
a. Tennessee
b. Hawaii
c. Georgia
d. New York
Tennessee - The capital of Tennessee is Nashville.
Under God the People Rule
a. South Dakota
b. Maryland
c. Oklahoma
d. Kansas
South Dakota - The capital of South Dakota is Pierre.
The Crossroads of America
a. Pennsylvania
b. Indiana
c. Ohio
d. South Carolina
Indiana - The capital of Indiana is Indianapolis.
Union, Justice, and Confidence
a. Texas
b. Kentucky
c. Delaware
d. Louisiana
Louisiana - The capital of Louisiana is Baton Rouge.
Equality Before the Law
a. New Mexico
b. Alabama
c. Nebraska
d. Kansas
Nebraska - The capital of Nebraska is Lincoln.
Live Free or Die
a. Hawaii
b. Georgia
c. Maryland
d. New Hampshire
New Hampshire - The capital of New Hampshire is Concord.
a. Virginia
b. New York
c. Utah
d. Michigan
Utah - The capital of Utah is Salt Lake City.
Liberty and Prosperity
a. New Jersey
b. Mississippi
c. Maryland
d. Utah
New Jersey - The capital of New Jersey is Trenton.
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