Halloween Trivia Questions IIPrintable Halloween Trivia Quiz
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Halloween is celebrated on the 31st of October. What is the day after Halloween called?
a. Black X-Mass
b. All Saints Day
c. Allhallowtide
d. All Saints Eve
All Saints Day - Allhallowtide is the term that refers to the three days of Halloween - Oct. 31, Nov. 1st and Nov. 2nd. November 2nd is called All Souls Day.
According to the National Confectioner's Association, how many pounds of "candy corn" is made every year?
a. 35 million pounds
b. 15 million pounds
c. 5 million pounds
d. 50 million pounds
35 million pounds - Candy corn was created by George Renninger.
There a few strange laws concerning Halloween in the US. In one state, it's illegal to dress up as a nun. Do you know what one?
a. Alabama
b. Utah
c. Ohio
d. Kentucky
Alabama - It is also illegal to dress up as a priest in Alabama.
In the US, is Halloween the most popular holiday for parties, or is it one of these other holidays?
a. Independence Day
b. Thanksgiving Day
c. Super Bowl
d. Halloween
Super Bowl - There are also more parties held on New Year's Day, which puts Halloween as the third most popular for parties in the USA.
According to traditional Western thinking, how many witches make up a coven?
a. 9
b. 7
c. 13
d. 4
13 - This concept is now greatly disputed. Instead most now consider a coven to simply be a community of witches with no set number.
Making its debut in the 1800s, what candy was originally called "Chicken Feed"?
a. Tic Tacs
b. Candy Corn
c. Candy Buttons
d. Skittles
Candy Corn - Candy Corn was first produced by the Wunderlee Candy Company.
Most countries regard Halloween as good natured fun. However, one of the countries listed below has made Halloween illegal? Which one?
a. England
b. Canada
c. Jordan
d. Germany
Jordan - Halloween was not generally observed in Germany prior to the 1990s.
Beni Meier set a new record for the largest (heaviest) pumpkin in 2014. Do you know where he grew his award winning pumpkin?
a. Canada
b. America
c. Russia
d. Switzerland
Switzerland - The record setting vegetable weighed 2,378 pounds.
"Trick-or-treat" is the phrase most commonly used by children on Halloween. Which nation is credited with giving birth to this phrase?
a. England
b. Ireland
c. Canada
d. America
Canada - The phrase first appeared in a Lethbridge, AB newspaper in 1927.
In Hollywood, California, it is illegal to use what item from 12:00 AM on October 31 until 12:00 PM November 1?
a. Candles
b. Silly String
c. Firecrackers
d. Eggs
Silly String - It is also illegal to sell Silly String during these hours.
Jack-o-lanterns are a common sight on Halloween. Which of the following is not traditionally used to carve a jack-o-lantern?
a. Turnip
b. Watermelon
c. Potato
d. Pumpkin
Watermelon - Rutabaga have also been used in some countries.
Which of the following traits would not be associated with werewolves?
a. Fear of Water
b. Fear of Garlic
c. A Unibrow
d. A Long Middle Finger
Fear of Garlic - Other physical traits of a werewolf include hairy palms, tattoos and glowing red eyes.
Halloween's origins date back to what ancient Celtic festival?
a. Imbolc
b. Lughnasadh
c. Bealtaine
d. Samhain
Samhain - Samhain is a harvest festival. It is celebrated halfway between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice.
"Guising" is a tradition in Ireland and Scotland. Exactly, what is the practice?
a. Saying Prayers for the Dead
b. Fortune Telling
c. Bobbing for Apples
d. Trick-or-Treating
Trick-or-Treating - Guising dates back hundreds of years. It is similar to souling.
A strange Halloween law in this US city states there are to be no Halloween celebrations on Sunday. Where is this law in effect?
a. A City in Delaware
b. A City in Alabama
c. A City in Utah
d. A city in Montana
A City in Delaware - According to the laws in Rehoboth, Delaware, if Halloween is on Sunday, all trick-or-treating is to be done on Saturday.
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