Halloween Around The World QuizFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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Which country eats Brambrack on Halloween?
a. Ireland
b. Germany
c. Mexico
d. Canada
Which country locks up their cats on Halloween?
a. Laos
b. China
c. England
d. Columbia
Which country uses apple peels on Halloween to predict a person's
a. Scotland
b. Spain
c. Russia
d. Brazil
In Scotland turnips and neep were often carved in Jack-o-lanterns.
What is neep?
a. A beet
b. A sweet potato
c. A rutabaga
d. A squash
What item was often baked into a Halloween Barmbrack and when found
would indicate that the finder would have good fortune in the coming year?
a. A button
b. A coin
c. A bead
d. A bean
Which country celebrates the Festival of the Hungry ghosts?
a. China
b. Hungry
c. Peru
d. Australia
Which country traditionally opens all the doors and windows in the
house to welcome spirits and ghosts?
a. Poland
b. America
c. England
d. New Zealand
It is a tradition to hide all the knives in the house, on
Halloween, in which country?
a. France
b. Germany
c. India
d. Japan
Which country cooks Beans of the Dead?
a. Scotland
b. Italy
c. Portugal
d. Brazil
Which country celebrates Halloween by leaving water, bread and a
light on the table?
a. Austria
b. New Zealand
c. Iceland
d. Ireland
Dressing up in costume, handing out candy and pumpkin carving are
all a part of which nation's Halloween celebrations?
a. Japan
b. Mexico
c. Canada
d. Kenya
Bones of the Dead is a traditional Halloween dish. What kind of
food is it?
a. Bread
b. Pastry
c. Pasta
d. Stew
O-Bon is celebrated in which country?
a. Japan
b. France
c. South Africa
d. Argentina
Halloween is often referred to as Mischief Night in which
a. England
b. Australia
c. Peru
d. Iceland
Hop-Tu-Naa is celebrated in which nation on the 31st of
a. Isle of Man
b. Jamaica
c. Wales
d. France

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