Kids Fun And Games Trivia Quiz IIIPrintable Kids Trivia Questions
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An American football is typically what color?
a. Green
b. Yellow
c. Red
d. Brown
Brown - Professional footballs are made from cowhide.
The character "Colonel Mustard" appears in which board game?
a. The Settlers of Catan
c. Monopoly
d. Cluedo
Cluedo - Other characters found in the game are Miss Scarlett, Mrs. Peacock and Professor Plum.
How many dice are used in the game of "Backgammon"?
a. 1
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2
2 - Backgammon involves a combination of skill and luck.
How many track and field events are there in a decathlon?
a. 4
b. 10
c. 6
d. 8
10 - The majority of international decathlons are divided into two-day competitions.
How many ghosts are featured in Charles Dicken's novella "A Christmas Carol"?
a. 3
b. 2
c. 1
d. 4
4 - A Christmas Carol was first published in 1843.
How many holes make up one round of golf?
a. 8
b. 6
c. 12
d. 18
18 - Golf players use various sized golf clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a course.
How much is a blank tile worth in a game of "Scrabble"?
a. 3
b. 1
c. 2
d. 0
0 - There are 2 blank tiles available in the game.
In the standard game of Chess, one player is white, what color is the other player?
a. Black
b. Yellow
c. Red
d. Red
Black - Each player begins the game with 16 pieces
In the "Harry Potter" book, and movie series, who teaches "Quidditch"?
a. Professor Snape
b. Professor Sprout
c. Professor Dumbledore
d. Professor McGonagall
Professor McGonagall - Quidditch is now played in the real world with players running instead of flying.
In the Super Mario video game series, what is the name of Mario's brother?
a. Wario
b. Brock
c. Luigi
d. Yoshi
Luigi - Luigi is slightly younger but taller than Mario.
In which sport is a shuttlecock used?
a. Badminton
b. Racquetball
c. Tennis
d. Squash
Badminton - A shuttlecock is also called a bird or birdie.
Boardwalk, Marvin Gardens and Kentucky Avenue are all places found in which popular board game?
a. Dominion
b. Monopoly
d. 7 Wonders
Monopoly - Monopoly make its debut in the United States in 1903.
"Snake" is the main character in which video game series?
a. BioShock
b. Metal Gear Solid
c. Counter-Strike
d. Tomb Raider
Metal Gear Solid - Snake Solid is an infiltrator and saboteur.
The first Olympic Games were held in which country?
a. England
b. France
c. Italy
d. Greece
Greece - The first Olympic Games is traditionally thought to have occurred in 776 BC.
What sport takes place in a "Velodrome"?
a. Racquetball
b. Cycling
c. Basketball
d. Ice Hockey
Cycling - Modern velodromes feature steeply banked oval tracks.
Who makes the handheld 3DS video game console?
a. Radio Shack
b. Nintendo
c. Microsoft
d. Sony
Nintendo - The Nintendo 3DS made its debut in Japan on February 26, 2011.
The character Nancy Drew can be best described as a...?
a. Cook
b. Athlete
c. Baby Sitter
d. Detective
Detective - Nancy Drew first appeared in 1930.
Raised by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May, Peter Parker is the secret identity of which superhero?
a. Robin
b. Batman
c. Spider-Man
d. Superman
Spider-Man - Spider-Man first appeared in the comic book 'Amazing Fantasy #15' in 1962.
Elmo is a character from which children's TV series?
a. Caillou
b. Teletubbies
c. Sesame Street
d. SpongeBob SquarePants
Sesame Street - Other characters from the show are Big Bird, Bert and Ernie.
In what card game might you be asked, "Do you have any eights?"
a. Crazy Eights
b. War
c. Snap
d. Go Fish
Go Fish - In Go Fish, the player with the most sets of four matching cards wins.
Which of the following items does the video game character Donkey Kong use as a weapon?
a. Barrels
b. Ladders
c. Balls
d. Gun
Barrels - Donkey Kong is a gorilla.
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