Science Trivia Questions #29Printable Science Trivia Quiz
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Which of the following elements is not a noble gas?
a. Neon b. Radon c. Boron d. Helium
Boron - Boron is a chemical element with the symbol B and atomic number 5.
Where is the thickest skin found on the human body?
a. The head b. The bum c. The back d. The palm
The palm - The sole of the foot also has extremely thick skin.
What did Canadian inventor Joseph Armand Bombardier invent in 1936?
a. Electric car b. Solar battery c. Snowmobile d. Motorcycle
Snowmobile - The first Bombardier snowmobile carried seven passengers.
Which of these men is associated with the creation of penicillin?
a. Emile Roux b. Norman Crick c. Alexander Fleming d. James Salk
Alexander Fleming - Roux was associated with the rabies vaccine.
Who won a Noble Prize for his work in quantum theory and atomic structure?
a. Niels Bohr b. Carl Roman Abt c. Larry Page d. Lucien Olivier
Niels Bohr - Bohr was a Danish physicist.
Who developed the Google search engine with Larry Page?
a. Leland Clark b. Ali Javan c. Sergey Brin d. Scott Jones
Sergey Brin - Google made its debut in 1998.
Cytology is the study of which of the following?
a. Maps b. Large cats c. Magnets d. Cells
Cells - Robert Hooke is often referred to as the Father of Cytology.
Bamboo is known for being?
a. Growing only at night b. The fastest growing plant in the world c. Having above ground roots d. Having two colors of flowers
The fastest growing plant in the world - Bamboo is part of the grass family.
Which culture is credited with inventing the abacus?
a. Egyptian b. Russian c. Mayan d. Chinese
Chinese - They are also credited with inventing paper and the magnetic compass.
What is another name for Vitamin A?
a. Thiamin b. Niacin c. Riboflavin d. Retinol
Retinol - Thiamin is known as vitamin B1.
When was the electric battery invented?
a. 1967 b. 1800 c. 1876 d. 1903
1800 - The invention is credited to Alessandro Volta.
Venus and which other planet are sometimes called the "Blue Planet"?
a. Mercury b. Earth c. Neptune d. Mars
Earth - Mars is often called the Red Planet.
The hypodermic syringe was invented during which of these wars?
a. The Hundred-Year War b. World War II c. American Civil War d. World War I
American Civil War - The word syringe is derived from the Greek word syrinx, meaning 'tube'.
Which of these inventions dates back to about 1500 BC?
a. Comb b. Paintbrush c. Paper d. Glass
Glass - The oldest kinds of glass are based on the chemical compound silica.
Which planet did Mariner 9 orbit in 1971?
a. Jupiter b. Mars c. Saturn d. Mercury
Mars - Mariner 9 was launched on the 30th of May, 1971.
About the size of a fist, which organ in the human body helps it to fight infections and filter foreign objects?
a. Spleen b. Kidney c. Pancreas d. Liver
Spleen - The largest organ in the human body is the skin.
What is Agent Orange?
a. A math problem b. A herbicide c. A character in a cartoon d. A nickname for an element
A herbicide - Agent Orange was used during the Vietnam War.
Which of the following scientists have not won a Nobel Prize for chemistry?
a. Hans Fischer b. Gerhard Erti c. Marie Currie d. Peter Higgs
Peter Higgs - Peter won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2013.
Which of the following items was not invented in 1965?
a. Respirator b. Cash Dispenser c. Optical Disk (now Compact Disk) d. Hypertext
Cash Dispenser - The cash dispenser was invented in 1969 by Luther Simjian.
Approximately, what percentage of the population has an IQ above 100?
a. 50 percent b. 60 percent c. 70 percent d. 80 percent
50 percent - About 80 percent of the world's population have IQs ranging between 80 and 120.
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