Science Trivia Questions IVFree Trivia Questions - Printable
Position your cursor over the question mark found beside each question for the
A white metal that burns in water, plus a poisonous green gas,
combine to make what substance?
The Three Little Pigs build an auditorium. What should they build
it out of, if they don't want a lot of reverb off the walls?
Despite what you may have heard, credit for this item goes, not to
Otto Titzling, but to Herminie Cadolle of France. What is it?
Who discovered penicillin after he sloppily left the lid off the
top of one of his Petri dishes, so that the staphylococcus culture got contaminated?
Plumbers worry about pipes made from what element, whose
abbreviation is Pb from the Latin plumbum?
This gem was named for a Middle Eastern country, even though it
does not occur there. What is it?
To shut down Windows, users sometimes resort to the "Vulcan nerve
pinch". Which key is not pushed in this "three-fingered salute" - Ctrl, Alt, Delete or Shift?
When you crank up the volume on your Led Zeppelin CD, what are you
changing about the sound waves?
Let's do this one Jeopardy style. Depending on how you look at it,
the answer to this trivia question is either osmium or iridium.
What highly toxic element (#4 on the periodic table) was once
called glucinium, because its soluble components taste like sugar?
Found by Hennig Brand in his own urine while he was trying to
prepare gold from silver, what element is symbolized by the letter P?
What planet not only rotates backwards, but rotates so slowly that
its day is longer than its year?
Before starting a campfire, you weigh the wood you use. Afterward,
you weigh the leftover log, the ash, the smoke, the soot and the gas produced by the fire. When is the mass
Because of all its iron in its core, which planet is the
What did 11-year-old Emily Rosa debunk in an issue of the Journal
of the American Medical Association?

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