Kids Halloween Trivia QuizKids Halloween Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
Quiz Brought to by: Party Ideas Parade
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What did the ancient Celts carve instead of pumpkins?
Turnips and potatoes - When the Irish came to America they found pumpkins were great for carving and soon began to use them instead of the turnips and potatoes.
Are Pumpkins a vegetable or a fruit?
Fruit - Although we tend to lump Pumpkins in with vegetables, they are really a member of the fruit family.
When did Halloween come to America?
1840s - The Irish brought their customs with them in the 1840s during the great potato famine in their native country.
What is another name for Halloween?
All Hallow's Eve - Halloween is also known as Hallowe'en or All Hallow's Eve.
What is Guising?
It is singing or telling a story - Guising is singing or telling a story to earn your treats on Halloween.
Where is Guising from?
Scotland - Guising is a custom in Scotland and it still continues in some places there.
Name a popular Halloween game that has to do with apples.
Bobbing for apples - Bobbing for Apples involves a pail of water with apples in it. With your hands behind your back you must try to grab an apple with your mouth.
What do we find in front of some houses on Halloween?
A Graveyard - We find homemade graveyards decorating the fronts of many houses on Halloween.
What do we make from Pumpkins on Halloween?
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds - We make roasted pumpkins seeds on Halloween...or right before. When we empty the pumpkins to carve them we also take the seeds, rinse them and roast them.
What kind of party do many people go to on Halloween?
A Costume Party - Lots of people go to Halloween costume parties every year. In fact, costume parties are becoming more and more popular each year.
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