While filming the show Lorne Green's Wild Kingdom, the host Lorne Green had his nipple bitten off by an alligator.
The first color of Coca-Cola was green.
Flutterby was the original name of the butterfly.
Tom Sawyer was the first novel written on a typewriter.
A knot is a group of toads.
The words orange, purple and silver can not be rhymed.
The ear of a cat has 32 muscles.
Honey is the only food that does not spoil.
Fish scales are often used to make lipstick.
If your name is Mary it is a crime in Siena, Italy to be a prostitute.
In Reykjavik it is a crime to own a pet dog.
The longest known case of hiccups was Charles Osborne's. They lasted 69 years.
The only insect that can turn its head is the praying mantis.
In Arizona it is a crime to hunt camels.
A parliament is a group of owls.
Camels can go a long time without water but a rat can go longer.
Sneezes have been clocked at 100mph.
A murder refers to a group of ravens.
Marlboro, Coca-Cola and Budweiser are the three most valuable names.
A five cent bill was once issued by the US.
The only bird that can swim and not fly is the penguin.
The book most often stolen from public libraries is The Guinness Book of World Records.
Alaska has the highest percentage of people who walk to work.
To protect their eyes from blowing sand a camel has three eyelids.
To help them dive deeper a crocodile will swallow stones.