The voice of E.T. was Debra Winger.
It takes seven minutes for the average person to fall asleep.
On every continent there is a city named Rome.
Ding Dong is a city in Texas.
Men blink half the amount of times that woman do.
The teeth of a rodent never stop growing.
Termites are the preferred food of the anteater.
Queen Anne outlived all 17 of her children.
Saudi Arabia has no rivers.
Vinegar can melt pearls.
An ingredient in the production of dynamite is the peanut.
Tongue prints are as unique as fingerprints.
Penguin urine makes up 3% of the ice in the Antarctic.
A blessing is group of unicorns.
56% of typing is done by the left hand.
New Jersey grows two thirds of the worlds eggplants.
Charles Jung an American invented the fortune cookie.
In 1952 the Presidency of Israel was offered to Albert Einstein.
A crash refers to a group of rhinos.
The mouth of a hippo can open up to four feet.
A fear of beards is called pogonophobia.
The shark lays the largest eggs in the world.
In California LSD was legal until 1967.
The only primates to have blue eyes other than humans are black lemurs.
In a lifetime a person can shed 40 pounds of skin.
There are 13 092 spoons forks and knives in the White House.
Ireland is the only country in the world where windmills turn clockwise.