Kids Trivia Questions XVIIIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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Where in the United States would you travel to see the Hoover
a. Arizona
b. Kansas
c. Dakota
d. Arkansas
Which film uses the tag line "Everybody dance now"?
a. Happy Feet
b. Despicable Me
c. Shrek
d. Madagascar
In western lingo, what is Adam's Ale?
a. Water
b. Coffee
c. Beer
d. Whiskey
Which sport awards the Davis Cup?
a. Tennis
b. Baseball
c. Horse racing
d. Football
What kind of boat uses a two ended paddle?
a. Kayak
b. Canoe
c. Sloop
d. Row boat
Who wrote the children's story, Mr. Popper's Penguins?
a. Robert Munsch
b. Dr. Seuss
c. Richard and Florence Atwater
d. E. B. White
If someone gave you an emerald, what color would the stone be?
a. Red
b. Green
c. Yellow
d. Blue
Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
a. Picasso
b. Michelangelo
c. Raphael
d. Donatello
What is the capital of Poland?
a. Oslo
b. Warsaw
c. Moscow
d. Ottawa
When Queen Elizabeth passes away, who will rule England?
a. Edward
b. William
c. Charles
d. Harry
Which video game features Boos, Petey Piranhas and Birdo?
a. Smash Brothers
b. The Zelda Series
c. The Mario Games
d. Kingdom of Hearts
Which candy company asks you to taste the rainbow?
a. Skittles
b. Starburst
c. Life Savers
d. Tic Tacs
Which of these items is not a kind of hat?
a. Pork Pie
b. Dolabra
c. Busby
d. Fedora
In the movie Horton Hears a Who, what kind of animal is Horton?
a. An elephant
b. A hippo
c. A lion
d. A kangaroo
Where would you have to travel if you wanted to see a Kiwi
a. New Zealand
b. Mexico
c. Russia
d. China

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