Science Trivia Questions E26Free Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer. In the world of physics, what is kinetic energy?
a. The heat given off by fire b. The energy of movement c. The energy produced by the separation of atoms d. Another term for solar power
The energy of movement - Kinetic energy is the amount of work needed to put an object into motion.
Which of these planets is a gas giant?
a. Venus b. Mercury c. Mars d. Saturn
Saturn - Uranus and Jupiter are also gas giants.
Which English naturalist and geologist developed the theory of evolution?
a. Charles Darwin b. Albert Schweitzer c. Sir Isaac Newton d. Alfred Russel Wallace
Charles Darwin - Charles Darwin was born in 1809.
Currently the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius is a part of which constellation?
a. O'Ryans Belt b. Ursa Major c. The Big Dipper d. Canis Major
Canis Major - Sirius is just about twice as bright as Canopus.
Which of the following mammals lays eggs?
a. Beaver b. Fruit bat c. Whale d. Echidna
Echidna - The platypus also lays eggs.
Which of these men discovered the antibiotic substance penicillin in 1928?
a. Alexander Fleming b. John Crick c. James Watson d. Albert Sabin
Alexander Fleming - Fleming won the Nobel Prize for this discovery.
What was Robert Bakker's field of science?
a. Ornithologist b. Astronomer c. Paleontologist d. Marine Biologist
Paleontologist - Bakker is known for his article 'Dinosaur Renaissance'.
Which of these creatures would be studied by a herpetologist?
a. Flamingo b. Turtle c. Spider d. Bat
Turtle - Herpetologists study reptiles and amphibians.
A device used for transmitting and receiving messages over long distances, when was the telegraph invented?
a. 1884 b. 1903 c. 1765 d. 1837
1837 - The telegraph was patented in the United States by Samuel Morse.
Ninety percent of pewter consists of which material?
a. Tin b. Lead c. Iron d. Copper
Tin - Pewter may also contain antimony and bismuth.
What color are bees not able to see?
a. Red b. Blue c. Green d. Yellow
Red - Bees perceive red as black.
When electricity goes through neon, what color will it glow?
a. Blue b. Green c. White d. Orange
Orange - Neon is often used to make signs.
Protein is made up of?
a. Sugars b. Lipids c. Cholesterol d. Amino acids
Amino acids - Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon are components of amino acids.
How long does it take Mercury to circle the sun?
a. 88 days b. 477 days c. 248 days d. 110 days
88 days - Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.
Which constellation is known as "The Table Mountain"?
a. Mensa b. Volans c. Hydrus d. Dorado
Mensa - Mensa is known as Tafelberg in German and Dutch.
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