Easy Science Trivia QuestionsFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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Who discovered Penicillin in 1928?
a. Marie Curie
b. Alexander Fleming
c. Howard Florey
d. Louis Pasteur
Alexander Fleming - In 1945, Alexander won the Nobel Prize in Medicine.
What is the closest planet to the sun?
a. Mercury
b. Mars
c. Earth
d. Venus
Mercury - Mercury takes 88 days to circle the Sun.
Which of the following colors is not a primary color?
a. Red
b. Blue
c. Yellow
d. Green
Green - Primary colors cannot be made from other colors.
Which of the following terms does not refer to the water cycle?
a. Condensation
b. Anticyclonic
c. Precipitation
d. Evaporation
Anticyclonic - All Water is recycled and is as old as the earth is.
Who developed the idea of natural selection and released his
theories in a book titled "On the Origin of Species"?
a. Michael Faraday
b. Charles Darwin
c. Isaac Newton
d. Albert Einstein
Charles Darwin - Darwin was born in England on the 12th of February 1809.
What is the smallest prime number?
a. 3
b. 5
c. 1
d. 2
2 - A prime number is a natural number that is greater than 1 that and that has no positive divisors
other than 1 and itself.
The process that involves plants using energy from sunlight to
convert carbon dioxide into food is called?
a. Adiabatic Process
b. Superphosphate
c. Photosynthesis
d. Monoecious
Photosynthesis - Carbon dioxide is converted into sugars.
The fastest land animal in the world is the...
a. Horse
b. Lion
c. Tiger
d. Cheetah
Cheetah - Cheetah's can run up to a speed of about 70 mph.
Where is the smallest bone found in the human body?
a. Ear
b. Leg
c. Hand
d. Foot
Ear - Located in the middle ear, the staples bone is only 2.8 millimetres long.
What is the first element on the periodic table?
a. Carbon
b. Oxygen
c. Hydrogen
d. Helium
Hydrogen - Highly flammable, hydrogen is the most common element found in our universe.
The common cold is a type of...
a. Bacteria
b. Fungal Infection
c. Virus
d. Plasmodium
Virus - Although symptoms can be treated, no cure for the common cold exists.
Which gas is most prevalent in the earth's atmosphere?
a. Carbon Dioxide
b. Hydrogen
c. Nitrogen
d. Oxygen
Nitrogen - Earth's atmosphere consists of 78.09 percent nitrogen.
According to wide belief, Isaac Newton’s theories on gravity
were inspired by what event?
a. Seeing an apple fall from a tree
b. Seeing a star fall from the sky
c. Watching the rain fall
d. Watching a ball bounce
Seeing an apple fall from a tree - Newton is credited with building the first reflecting telescope.
Halley's Comet was last seen 1986. When will it be visible
again from Earth?
a. 2042
b. 2061
c. 2015
d. 2021
2061 - Halley’s Comet is visible from Earth every 75-76 years.
Which of the following scientists was awarded Nobel Prize in
Physics for his work on theoretical physics in 1921?
a. Albert Einstein
b. Marie Curie
c. Ernest Rutherford
d. James Jeans
Albert Einstein - Einstein developed the general theory of relativity.

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