Easter Religious Trivia QuizEaster Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
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Which holiday does not take place before Easter - Good Friday, Eastertide or Palm Sunday?
Eastertide - Palm Sunday takes place one week before Easter Sunday.
What event happened on Good Friday?
Jesus was crucified - Jesus was crucified on Friday and rose on Easter.
How is the date of Easter calculated?
First Sunday following the full moon after the Vernal Equinox - The Vernal Equinox takes place on March 21st.
Jesus was crucified on Good Friday and resurrected on Easter after he went to Jerusalem to celebrate what holiday?
Passover - Passover is Pesach in Hebrew.
The 50-day period following Easter Sunday is known as what?
Eastertide - The Eastertide includes a celebration of Jesus' ascension into heaven.
Orthodox Christians traditionally celebrate Easter a week or two after the western churches. Why?
Orthodox Churches follow the Julian calendar, while Western churches follow the Gregorian calendar - The Vernal Equinox falls on different dates in the two calendars because the Julian calendar is actually longer than the Gregorian calendar!
Christian philosophy centers on the notion that Jesus died for what purpose?
For the sins of mankind - Christian's most important holiday is Easter.
Holy Week refers to which of the following?
The week leading up to Easter - Shortly after Jesus ate a Passover meal with his disciples, he was arrested for professing to be the Son of God.
For many Christian churches, Palm Sunday is often referred to by what other name?
Passion Sunday - Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus' return to Jerusalem, the week before his arrest and death.
Lent recognizes the 40 days that Jesus spent in a forest before returning to Jerusalem. What was he doing while in the forest?
Resisting temptation from Satan - Lent occurs 40 days before Palm Sunday.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of?
Lent - Ash Wednesday marks a day of repentance for one's sins.
Easter always falls between March 22nd and what date?
April 25th - The date of Easter is based on the phases of the moon.
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