Children's Trivia Questions #8Free Printable Trivia Questions For Children
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
Where did Oscar live on the show Sesame Street?
a. A bird's nest b. An apartment c. A trash can d. A bus
A trash can - Oscar had a pet worm.
Which of these animals produces most of the milk that people drink?
a. Horse b. Moose c. Cow d. Deer
Cow - A male cow is called a bull.
What kind of fruit poisons Snow White?
a. Cherry b. Apple c. Orange d. Pear
Apple - The evil Queen gives the apple to Snow White.
Which nursery rhyme character carries a pail?
a. Jack b. George c. Tom d. Peter
Jack - Jack and Jill go up the hill to get water.
In what month is St. Patrick's Day?
a. December b. June c. August d. March
March - St. Patrick's Day is the 17th of March.
What color would you add to red to make purple?
a. Blue b. Green c. Orange d. Yellow
Blue - If you wanted to make green you would mix blue and yellow.
If you wanted to know how cold it was outside, what could you use?
a. Thermometer b. Microwave c. Telescope d. Microscope
Thermometer - A thermometer can be in Celsius or in Fahrenheit.
Which unit of measurement would you use to measure butter?
a. Pound b. Degree c. Furlong d. Cord
Pound - You might also use a kilogram or grams.
Who travels with the superhero Robin?
a. The Hulk b. Batman c. Spiderman d. Superman
Batman - Batman and Robin are DC comic book characters.
In which cartoon would you find the character Ash Ketchum?
a. Fullmetal Alchemist b. Dragon Ball c. Pokemon d. Yu-Gi-Oh
Pokemon - Ash is the main human character.
What kind of fish is Nemo?
a. Goldfish b. Clown c. Whale d. Shark
Clown - Dory is a regal tang.
Which of these characters lives with Aunt Polly?
a. Tom Sawyer b. Harry Potter c. Frank Hardy d. Peter Pan
Tom Sawyer - The story of Tom Sawyer was written by Mark Twain.
What do you get when you add five and two?
a. Nine b. Three c. Eleven d. Seven
Seven - You also get seven when you add four and three.
Which of these creatures would you need a microscope to see?
a. A puppy b. A star c. A seagull d. An ameba
An ameba - Microscopes are used to make very small things appear larger.
After English, what language do most people speak in the United States?
a. Spanish b. French c. Chinese d. Russian
Spanish - A little over 12 percent of the population speaks Spanish.
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