Children's Nursery Rhymes QuizKid's Trivia Questions and Answers -
Printable Kid's Trivia
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According to the nursery rhyme, which bridge is broken down?
a. Golden Gate
b. London
c. New Market
d. Covered
In the poem Diddle Diddle Dumping, John has something on and
something off? What is the poem talking about?
a. Mittens
b. Shoes
c. Socks
d. Gloves
How many men does the Grand Ole Duke have according to the
a. Twenty thousand
b. Ten thousand
c. Six thousand
d. Five Thousand
Why did Jack and Jill go up the hill?
a. To find flowers
b. To get water
c. To see the other side
d. To catch a bird
In the poem Humpty Dumpty, where was Humpty when he fell?
a. He fell off a wall
b. He fell out of a tree
c. He fell out of bed
d. He fell off the roof
What creature scares Little Miss Muffet?
a. A wolf
b. A snake
c. A spider
d. A rat
In the poem, Mary had a little lamb, the lamb follows Mary. Where
does Mary go?
a. To church
b. To the store
c. To school
d. To the river
In the nursery rhyme, Ride a Cock Horse to Banbury Cross, what does
the fine lady have on her toes?
a. Slippers
b. Bells
c. Diamonds
d. Rings
Hush a Bye Baby, what breaks causing the cradle to fall?
a. A bow
b. A chair
c. A rope
d. A ladder
In the rhyme, "Hey Diddle Diddle", who runs away with the dish?
a. The dog
b. The spoon
c. The knife
d. The cow
In the nursery rhyme Hickory Dickory Dock, what time is the clock
striking when the mouse runs down?
a. Ten
b. One
c. Five
d. Four
Who cuts off the tails of the mice in the rhyme Three Blind
a. The farmer's wife
b. The butcher
c. The miller
d. The tailor
The nursery rhyme, This Little Piggy, involves five pigs. What does
the third pig eat?
a. Apple Pie
b. Roast beef
c. Stew
d. Pumpkin pie
In the famous rhyme about Jack Sprat, what can Jack NOT eat?
a. Fat
b. Chicken
c. Beef
d. Apples
What does the nimble Jack jump over in the nursery rhyme?
a. A candlestick
b. A creek
c. Another person
d. A dog

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