Children's Trivia Questions #11Printable Childrens General Trivia Quiz
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
Who sings the song "C is for Cookie"?
a. Hic Up b. Marty c. Cookie Monster d. Alex
Cookie Monster - Cookie Monster is a character from Sesame Street.
Which of the following Disney characters is not a princess?
a. Aurora b. Cruella de Vil c. Cinderella d. Snow White
Cruella de Vil - Cruella de Vil can be seen in the Disney movies 101 Dalmatians and 101 Dalmatians II - Patch's London Adventure.
Who went to sea in a pea green boat?
a. The owl and the pussy cat b. The old man c. The three old men d. The walrus
The owl and the pussy cat - The Owl and the Pussy Cat is a poem that was written by Edward Lear.
Where does spaghetti come from?
a. South Africa b. Italy c. Brazil d. Russia
Italy - Pizza is also an Italian food.
Which of these animals is the tallest?
a. Lion b. Giraffe c. Elephant d. Gorilla
Giraffe - The giraffe is the tallest land animal in the world.
Finish this book title - James and the Giant ______?
a. House b. Mouse c. Owl d. Peach
Peach - James and the Giant Peach was written by Robert Dhal.
Which of these characters would have lived in Narnia?
a. Dorothy b. Aslon c. Frodo d. Peter Pan
Aslon - Narnia is a land created by C. S. Lewis.
What is a feline?
a. Bird b. Horse c. Cow d. Cat
Cat - A feline is described as any animal in the cat family.
According to the classic nursery rhyme, who made the girls cry?
a. Peter b. Paul c. Jack d. George
George - It was Gorgie Porgie who kissed the girls.
What kind of animal is comic strip character "Rupert"?
a. Dog b. Bear c. Bunny d. Tiger
Bear - Rupert was created by Mary Tourtel.
Which of these creatures would be classified as a marsupial?
a. Turtle b. Guppy c. Frog d. Kangaroo
Kangaroo - A marsupial is an animal that has a pouch.
In which story would you find "Count Olaf"?
a. Alice in Wonderland b. The Wizard of Oz c. The Chronicles of Narnia d. Lemony Snickett's A Tale of Unfortunate Circumstances
Lemony Snickett's A Tale of Unfortunate Circumstances - The Count is the villain in these tales.
According to the song, what kind of tree does the kookaburra sit in?
a. Palm tree b. Pine tree c. Gum tree d. Maple Tree
Gum tree - Kookaburras come from Australia.
In the story "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," where are the golden tickets hidden?
a. In books b. Under special mushrooms c. In Easter eggs d. In chocolate bars
In chocolate bars - There are five golden tickets.
What is another name for a polecat?
a. Ferret b. Beaver c. Muskrat d. Coyote
Ferret - People sometimes refer to skunks as polecats.
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