Childrens Trivia Questions #10Free Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
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In which sport would you hear the terms crawl and butterfly?
a. Snow boarding b. Soccer c. Figure skating d. Swimming
Swimming - You might also hear the terms fly, stroke and flip turn.
If you were in a South American theater, which insect could you buy as a snack?
a. Ants b. Butterflies c. Beatles d. Spiders
Ants - Roasted leafcutter ant abdomens are popular. In some places, you can get them covered in chocolate.
On the Celsius scale, at what temperature does water freeze?
a. 25 b. 50 c. 32 d. 0
0 - Water freezes at 32 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale.
A shepherd, a westie and a pointer are all kinds of what?
a. Dogs b. Horses c. Birds d. Chickens
Dogs - A westie is also called a West Highland terrier.
How are horses measured?
a. In hands b. In cords c. In chains d. In degrees
In hands - A cord is a measure of wood.
What color is a crow?
a. Red b. Black c. Blue d. Yellow
Black - Ravens are also black.
According to the story with the big bad wolf, what was the first house made of?
a. Clay b. Stone c. Brick d. Straw
Straw - The second house was made of wood.
What do you call a round map?
a. An atlas b. A globe c. A road map d. A contour map
A globe - Globes are a three dimensional map of the earth.
Which of these rodents does not have a tail?
a. Guinea pig b. Rat c. Muskrat d. Mouse
Guinea pig - Guinea pigs are native to South America.
What is another term for liquid rock?
a. Lava b. Electron c. Fission d. Limestone
Lava - Lava flows from volcanoes.
Where do leprechauns hide their gold?
a. Inside rain clouds b. At the end of the rainbow c. Under the fairy brook d. At the bottom of the mountain
At the end of the rainbow - Leprechauns are a part of Irish folklore.
Who lives in Buckingham Palace?
a. Queen Elizabeth b. The Governor General c. The Prime minister d. The President
Queen Elizabeth - The Queen owns several palaces.
Where would you find your taste buds?
a. In your lungs b. On your finger tips c. On your tongue d. In your stomach
On your tongue - You lose taste buds as you get older.
Which of these birds cannot fly?
a. Pigeon b. Penguin c. Owl d. Duck
Penguin - Penguins are wonderful swimmers.
In the story of Peter Pan, where does Peter live?
a. Narnia b. Middle Earth c. Vulcan d. Neverland
Neverland - Peter lives in Neverland with the lost boys.
Which country is north of the United States?
a. Mexico b. Columbia c. Canada d. Argentina
Canada - Canada is the second largest nation in the world.
In which Disney film would you see the character of Hades?
a. Brave b. Hercules c. Frozen d. The Hunchback of Notre dam
Hercules - Hades is the god of the underworld.
What would you do with a piccolo?
a. Play it b. Eat it c. Ride it d. Read it
Play it - A piccolo is a kind of flute.
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