Children's Trivia Questions VIIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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According to the rhyme "Sing a song of sixpence", whom is the pie full of blackbirds for?
a. The knave
b. The king
c. The birthday child
d. The old maid
The king - According to the rhyme, the birds began to sing when the pie was opened.
In which book would you find a Nerd, a Nerkle and a Seersucker?
a. The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
b. If I Ran the Zoo
c. Alice in Wonderland
d. The Wizard of OZ
If I Ran the Zoo - Dr. Seuss wrote the book.
Which video game has the characters Yoshi, Princess Peach and Goombas?
a. Mario Bros
b. The Kingdom of Hearts
c. The Sims
d. The Legend of Zelda
Mario Bros - This game also includes Bowzer and Warrio.
Which stuffed toy has an online world?
a. Build a Bear
b. Webkniz
c. Gundy
d. Jumbo Love
Webkniz - The Ganz Toy Company introduced these toys.
In the movie Pokemon, which creature is made by scientists?
a. Squirtle
b. Psyduck
c. Vileplume
d. Mewtwo
Mewtwo - According to the movie, scientists were trying to clone Mew.
What color is a ruby?
a. Red
b. Pink
c. Green
d. Yellow
Red - Rubies are precious gem stones.
Which candy slogan is "Melts in your mouth, not in your hands"?
a. Starburst
b. Skittles
c. Snickers
d. M and Ms
M and Ms - M and Ms are candy come in peanut and chocolate varieties.
Where would you wear a beanie?
a. On your hands
b. On your head
c. on your legs
d. On your feet
On your head - A beanie hat is also called a skully.
What is another world for pollywog?
a. Pupa
b. Tadpole
c. Signet
d. Cocoon
Tadpole - A pollywog is a young frog.
Which of these is not a kind of butterfly?
a. Monarch
b. Yellow jacket
c. Swallowtail
d. Peacock
Swallowtail - Yellow jacket is a type of wasp.
How many railroads are there on a standard Monopoly board?
a. 8
b. 4
c. 12
d. 2
4 - There are four railroads and two utilities.
Where would you find a polar bear?
a. Brazil
b. Australia
c. Kenya
d. Canada
Canada - Polar Bears live in the arctic.
How many sides are on a triangle?
a. 6
b. 3
c. 4
d. 1
3 - A square has four sides.
What instrument does a doctor use to determine if a person has a fever?
a. Tachometer
b. Stethoscope
c. Barometer
d. Thermometer
Thermometer - A stethoscope is used to hear a person's heart.
What made Captain James Cook famous?
a. He wrote children’s books
b. He was an inventor
c. He was an explorer
d. He is an actor
He was an explorer - Captain James cook is known for exploring the west coast of the United States.
What is another word for reindeer?
a. Puma
b. Marmot
c. Lynx
d. Caribou
Caribou - Reindeer are normally called caribou in North America.
What is the capital of Mexico?
a. Mexico City
b. Madrid
c. Istanbul
d. Vienna
Mexico City - Madrid is the capital of Spain.

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