Werewolf Trivia QuizFree Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
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According to legend, which of these items do werewolves hate?
a. Basil b. Salt c. Sage d. Garlic
Salt - Salt is used in many different rituals to keep evil things away.
What is the term used to describe when a person changes into a wolf?
a. Cynanthropy b. Hycanthropy c. Alluranthropy d. Lycanthropy
Lycanthropy - Lycanthropy is a form of therianthropy. Alluranthropy is the term for people changing into cats.
The "Beast of Gevaudan" incident occurred in which nation?
a. Germany b. America c. England d. France
France - According to eyewitness reports and investigation, numerous large man-eating wolves attacked and killed approximately 130 people between 1764 and 1767.
What kind of bullet will kill a werewolf?
a. Gold b. Pewter c. Copper d. Silver
Silver - Silver bullets can also kill witches.
What is the name of the Norse wolf god?
a. Fenrir b. Odin c. Loki d. Hei
Fenrir - Fenrir was the father of the wolves.
Which of these plants will repel a werewolf?
a. Lily b. Poinsettia c. Mistletoe d. Orchid
Mistletoe - Wolfsbane can also be used as a repellent.
In which of these movies did Michael J. Fox play a werewolf?
a. An American Werewolf in London b. Teen Wolf c. Cursed d. Bad Moon
Teen Wolf - Teen Wolf was released in 1985. In this cult classic, Michael plays the role of Scott Howard.
Which artist recorded the 1978 hit, "Werewolves in London"?
a. David Bowie b. Elvis Costello c. Neil Diamond d. Warren Zevon
Warren Zevon - Found on Zevon's album Excitable Boy.
If chased by a werewolf, which tree would be the best to climb?
a. Popular b. Olive c. Ash d. Maple
Ash - The ash tree blocks and exhibits control over werewolves, and other supernatural creatures.
Released in 1941, who plays Lawrence Talbot in the werewolf cult classic "The Wolf Man"?
a. Lon Chaney b. Claude Rains c. Ralph Bellamy d. Bela Lugosi
Lon Chaney - All of the actors listed played a role in the film.
What kind of crop can protect you from a werewolf?
a. Rye b. Oats c. Corn d. Wheat
Rye - Rye is considered to be a holy grain.
What is the setting for the classic werewolf film "Dog Soldiers"?
a. South Africa b. Scotland c. Peru d. Germany
Scotland - Released in 2002, Dog Soldiers was directed by Neil Marshall.
Which of the following elements will provide an excellent defense against werewolves?
a. Mercury b. Nitrogen c. Nickel d. Carbon
Mercury - Some people argue that it was quicksilver that was used against werewolves, not silver.
Starring Henry Hul, in what year did the first werewolf movie debut?
a. 1952 b. 1944 c. 1923 d. 1935
1935 - The film was called 'The Werewolf of London'.
Which country might refer to werewolves as Nahuales?
a. Denmark b. Mexico c. Egypt d. Ireland
Mexico - A nahual is also called a nagual.
In Italy, which of these events might mean you could become a werewolf?
a. Born on a full moon Friday b. Having a cat sleep in your cradle c. Sleep walking d. Snoring
Born on a full moon Friday - In Italy, they also believe that people who like to sleep outside could be werewolves.
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