Ballpoint pens choke over 100 people every year.
Squirrels who forget where they hid their nuts are responsible for planting millions of trees every year.
The only animal that can't jump is an elephant.
In order to taste a butterfly uses it's feet.
13 seconds is the longest chicken flight.
Polar bears are left handed.
There are right handed and left handed (pawed?) cats and dogs.
When sick a plant will run a fever.
France is where the kilt originated.
Grave digging was once an occupation held by Rod Stewart.
After WWII there were no People listed by the name of Hitler in the NY phone book. There had been 22 at the start of the war.
England made the famous Liberty Bell.
The sport with the most deaths is golf.
During Spring children grow faster.
A pod is a group of whales.
People weigh less when the moon is directly overhead.
Napoleon Bonaparte designed the flag of Italy.
While sleeping the average person inhales 40 bugs a year.
China claims the world's youngest parents. They were 8 and 9 years old.
A shark can not get cancer.
The only state capital without a McDonalds is Montpelier, Vermont.
Screeched is the longest one-syllable word in the English language.
Dogs have about ten vocal sounds, cats have over one hundred.
Walking backwards is something that both an emu and a kangaroo are not able to do.
The longest word typed only with the left hand is stewardesses.
The largest eyes in the world belong to the giant squid.