Lachanophobia is the fear of vegetables.
Used Furniture Dealer was the occupation on Al Capone's business card.
It is a crime to drive while wearing a housecoat in California.
Happy meals account for 40% of McDonald's sales.
Approximately 12 newborns each day are given to the wrong parents
To shave in Missouri a mad used to need a permit.
For failure to wear pants, Donald Duck was banned in Finland.
There are 118 groves on a dime, a quarter has one more.
5 to 7 pitches is the average career of a pitcher in the major league.
A tail light must be worn by loose cats in Colorado.
Sleeping while driving is a crime in Tennessee.
Hot dogs are only available at the 'Sky dome' McDonalds in Toronto.
The loudest sound made by a living creature is the call of the humpback whale.
1000 people are killed by lightening each year.
The skin of a polar bear is actually black.
Armadillos can't get leprosy.
'Bump' and 'assassination' are words invented by Shakespeare.
White is the colour goldfish will turn if kept in a dark room.
Dogs can die from eating chocolate.
The only primates to have pigment in their palms are humans.
If drunk an ant will always fall on it's right side.
A twit is a pregnant goldfish.
While eating a crocodile will shed tears.
A mule will not sink in quicksand a donkey will.
One cup of coffee may contain over 1000 chemicals.
The music rights to the South Carolina State anthem are owned by Michael Jackson.
A cow can't climb downstairs.