Food And Drink Trivia Quiz #16Printable Trivia Questions About Food and Drink
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Which sauce is traditionally eaten with turkey during Thanksgiving in the United States?
a. Hollandaise
b. White Sauce
c. Ketchup
d. Cranberry
Cranberry - The very first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the Pilgrims in 1621.
Which Chinese dish literally means "Assorted Pieces"?
a. Wontons
b. Chop Suey
c. Zhajiangmian
d. Chow Mein
Chop Suey - Chop suey was most likely invented in America by Chinese Americans.
What kind of fish is Calamari?
a. Salmon
b. Squid
c. Haddock
d. Cod
Squid - Calamari is traditionally found in Mediterranean and Asian cuisines.
The "Norfolk Giant" and the "Lloyd George" are types of what fruit or vegetable?
a. Potato
b. Raspberry
c. Pear
d. Plum
Raspberry - Raspberries are part of the rose family.
Peking Duck is the national dish of which country?
a. Greece
b. China
c. Japan
d. Egypt
China - Peking Duck has been prepared in China since the imperial era.
If you ordered "Escargots" in a French restaurant, what would you receive?
a. Frogs Legs
b. Spiders
c. Ants
d. Snails
Snails - May 24th is 'National Escargot Day' in the United States.
What is another term for "Vitamin C"?
a. Biotin
b. Thiamin
c. Retinol
d. Ascorbic Acid
Ascorbic Acid - Since Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, your body doesn't store it.
Feta is a cheese from which country?
a. Greece
b. Italy
c. Netherlands
d. France
Greece - Feta is made with sheep's milk, or sometimes from a mixture of sheep and goat's milk.
Cinnamon comes from which part of the tree?
a. Bulbs
b. Leaves
c. Root
d. Bark
Bark - Cinnamon was highly prized among ancient nations.
A White Lady cocktail consists of which main alcoholic ingredient?
a. Rum
b. Gin
c. Vermouth
d. Champagne
Gin - Created in 1919, the White Lady originally featured creme de menthe in place of gin.
Caviar comes from which species of fish?
a. Cod
b. Sturgeon
c. Prawn
d. Salmon
Sturgeon - Considered a delicacy, Caviar is eaten as a garnish or a spread.
Brassica Rapa is the Latin name for which vegetable?
a. Lettuce
b. Cabbage
c. Turnip
d. Potato
Turnip - Turnip is a root vegetable.
From which country does the dish "Moussaka" originate?
a. Spain
b. Portugal
c. France
d. Greece
Greece - Moussaka consists of eggplant and/or potatoes with minced meat.
In Japan, what type of drink is "Matcha"?
a. Lager beer
b. Rice wine
c. Green tea
d. Milk
Green tea - Matcha is made from shade-grown tea leaves.
Plantain is the cooking variety of which fruit?
a. Apple
b. Pear
c. Oranges
d. Banana
Banana - Plantains are unsuitable raw.
"Sauerkraut" is a German dish consisting of which pickled vegetable?
a. Onion
b. Carrot
c. Beet
d. Cabbage
Cabbage - Sauerkraut is cabbage that has been fermented by lactic acid bacteria.
In the United States, the cut of meat known as "Sirloin" comes from which part of the cow?
a. Neck
b. Upper Middle
c. Rear Back
d. Legs
Rear Back - In the United Kingdom, the word sirloin refers to cuts of meat from the upper middle of the cow.
The Russian dish "Solyanka" consists mainly of what ingredient?
a. Rice
b. Pea
c. Tomato
d. Cucumber
Cucumber - Solyanka is prepared by cooking cucumbers with brine and then adding other ingredients.
What flavor is the liqueur "Triple Sec"?
a. Orange
b. Strawberry
c. Cherry
d. Lemon
Orange - Triple Sec is flavored with dried peels of bitter and sweet oranges.
What is the name of the small, flat griddle used in Mexico to cook tortillas and meat?
a. Comal
b. Mole
c. Cazuela
d. Milanesa
Comal - Comals are generally made from heavy cast iron.
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