Video Games Trivia Quiz E3Printable Trivia Questions About Video Games
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What is the name of the princess you have to save in the video game, "Zelda"?
a. Link b. Zelda c. Navi d. Peach
Zelda - Link is the name of the character that tries to save Zelda.
What is the bestselling video game for the Nintendo 64 console?
a. Mario Kart 64 b. Super Mario 64 c. Super Smash Bros. d. Golden Eye
Super Mario 64 - Super Mario has sold approximately 11.62 million copies.
What is the name of the main character in the strategy video game, "Pikmin"?
a. Hector b. Samus c. Olimar d. Albious
Olimar - Olimar is from the planet Hocotate.
Developed by Capcom, what is the name of the main character in the video game series, "Devil May Cry"?
a. Dante b. Snake c. Nero d. Mondus
Dante - The series revolves around the death of his mother Eva.
What is the name of the second installment of the "Elder Scrolls"?
a. Bloodmoon b. Oblivion c. Morrowind d. Daggerfall
Daggerfall - The last Elder Scroll that was released was titled Skyrim.
Who is the main character in the "Metal Gear Solid" video game series?
a. Ocelot b. Snake c. Gaiden d. Vulcan
Snake - Metal Gear Solid was first published by Konami in 1998.
The video game "World at War" comes from what video game series?
a. Battlefield b. Red Orchestra c. Halo d. Call of Duty
Call of Duty - World at War came out in 2008.
What company published the FPS video game, "Far Cry 4"?
a. EA b. Bethesda c. Microsoft d. Ubisoft
Ubisoft - Other games from Ubisoft are Splinter Cell, Assassin's Creed, Rainbow Six and Prince of Persia.
What video game features the hero B. J. Blazkowicz?
a. Fable III b. Wolfenstein, The New Order c. Halo ODST d. Doom 3
Wolfenstein, The New Order - Blazkowicz leads a counter-offensive against a Nazi regime.
What is the fictional continent that the video game "Fable III" takes place in?
a. Morrowind b. Drakengaurd c. Nether Realm d. Albion
Albion - Fable III takes place fifty years after Fable II ends, and Logan has now taken the throne.
In what video game can you be a human or an Irathian?
a. Skyrim b. Defiance c. Darkspore d. Titanfall
Defiance - In the DLC for Defiance, you can also be a Castithan.
Who is the main character in Kingdom Hearts?
a. Shinji b. Riku c. Kairi d. Sora
Sora - Best friends with Riku and Kairi, Sora is a cheerful teenager who lives on Destiny Islands.
In what game would you encounter enemies called "Big Daddies"?
a. Duke Nukem b. Fallout c. Doom d. Bioshock
Bioshock - Bioshock takes place in the underwater world of Rapture.
Where does the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. take place?
a. Kyrat b. USA c. Ukraine d. Germany
Ukraine - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. takes place after the Chernobyl nuclear accident.
In what video game would you find the character "Jackie Estacado"?
a. The Darkness b. F.E.A.R. c. Resident Evil d. Homefront
The Darkness - 'I remember the night of my 21st birthday, that was the first time I died.' - Jackie Estacado.
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