Video Games Trivia QuizFree Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
In what year was Sega Genesis released in North America?
a. 1999
b. 1989
c. 1975
d. 1991
1989 - Sonic The Hedgehog is Sega's mascot.
Which of the following video games takes place in a dystopian
underwater city called Rapture?
a. Half-Life
b. God Of War
c. Fallout 3
d. Bioshock
Bioshock - BioShock is a first-person shooter that was released in 2007.
What Nintendo system was released after the N64 and before the
a. Gamecube
b. Nintendo 128
c. Virtual Boy
d. Super Nintendo
Gamecube - Gamecube could accommodate four controllers.
E. Honda, Dhalsim and Chun Li are all characters from what
video game series?
a. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
b. Street Fighter
c. Battletoads
d. Mortal Kombat
Street Fighter - E. Honda was an Asian sumo wrestler
What color is the ring of death on an Xbox that signifies a
hardware failure?
a. Blue
b. Yellow
c. Green
d. Red
Red - The defect occurring from this is cannot be repaired.
What classic beat-'em-up game featured brothers Billy Lee and
Jimmy (also nicknamed Spike and Hammer)?
a. Smash Brothers
b. Ninja Gaiden
c. Double Dragon
d. Snow Brothers
Double Dragon - D.D. was released in 1987.
How many bits was the Super Nintendo Entertainment System?
a. 8
b. 128
c. 64
d. 16
16 - The system came with Super Mario World.
What character do you play as in The Legend Of Zelda?
a. Gandolf
b. Chimmy
c. Peter
d. Link
Link - The game takes place in the fantasy world, Hyrule.
What 64-bit Sega system was a predecessor to the PlayStation
and Nintendo 64?
a. Dreamcast
b. Commodore 128
c. Saturn
d. 3DO
Saturn - Saturn was not as popular as Sega anticipated.
The game Grand Theft Auto was released primarily for what
gaming system?
a. N.E.S.
b. XBox
c. Dreamcast
d. PlayStation
PlayStation - Vice City 10th Anniversary Edition is the latest installment in this series
Which James Bond film was made into a game for the Nintendo 64
console and later for the Wii console?
a. Goldfinger
b. Goldeneye
c. Thunderball
d. Moonraker
Goldeneye - Many similarities were retained in the newer version.
Which popular video game features an ex-Special Forces operator
named Jack Carver, who is stranded in Micronesia.
a. Far Cry
b. Halo 2
c. Left 4 Dead
d. Max Payne
Far Cry - Released in 2004, Far Cry is a first-person shooter video game.

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