Valentines Trivia QuizValentines Trivia Questions and Answers - Printable Trivia
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What does the name Valentine mean?
Strong, worthy - There are several saints in the Catholic Church known as Saint Valentine.
When do Valentines and Valentinas in the Orthodox Church celebrate their name day?
14th of February - In the Orthodox Church Saint Valentine's Day is celebrated on the 5th and 30th of July.
How many calories do you burn while kissing?
1-2 per minute - The number of burned calories can increase if you kiss more passionately.
Everyone knows the story of Romeo and Juliet. What was Juliet's last name?
Capulet - The city of Verona receives more than 1000 valentine cards every year addressed for Juliet.
People of which profession receive the most cards on St. Valentine's Day?
Teachers - About 1 billion cards are sent on that day every year.
Who is Jack Valentine?
Character that leaves sweets for kids - Jack Valentine originates from Norfolk in the UK.
What is St Valentine's Day known as in Finland?
Friend's day - Estonians also call it a Friend's day.
Who is the Roman goddess of love and beauty?
Venus - Venus is the Roman version of the Greek goddess Aphrodite.
Who is Cupid's father?
Mars - Cupid is the son of Mars and Venus.
Romans believed that roses grew only in specific places. Where?
Where Cupid spilled nectar - It is thought that with his arrows, Cupid could inspire love just as much as hate.
Which type of love was known as the ideal type of love?
Agape - Agape is sometimes translated as 'Love of the soul'.
Who was the famous recipient of many of Napoleon's love letters?
Josephine de Beauharnais - Josephine's first husband was Alexandre de Beauharnais.
Which state produces around 60 percent of American roses?
California - Most of the roses sold in the USA on St. Valentine's Day are red.
If a sparrow is watching a girl on St. Valentine's Day, what does that mean?
A poor man is in love with her - Sparrows are a family of small passerine birds.
According to a legend, Cleopatra sailed to Rome in a ship full of roses. Why did she do that?
So the Romans would know of her arrival before they could see the ship - Cleopatra was the object of love for both Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony.
How long did Penelope wait for Odysseus?
20 years - While she was waiting for her husband to come back from the Trojan War, 108 suitors tried to take Odysseus' place.
The loving couple of Pablo and Francesca appeared in what book?
The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri is known in Italy as the Supreme Poet.
What is the pagan celebration preceding Valentine's Day?
Luprecalia - Lupercus is a Roman god of shepherds.
When are the most Valentine cards purchased?
Two days before 2.14 - In Denmark and Norway, Valentine's Day is called Valentinsdag.
What is the current Guinness World record for the most people kissing simultaneously?
Almost 40 thousand people - Officially, there were 39,897 kissing for 10 seconds. However, the organizers did not explain why the number is not even.
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