Valentines Trivia Quiz IIValentine's Day Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
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In what year was Valentine's Day declared?
a. 1825 b. 1200 c. 498 d. 1420
498 - Pope Gelasius declared Valentine's Day February 14, 498 A.D.
The oldest known Valentine to be in existence today was a poem written in what year?
a. 1825 b. 1492 c. 1415 d. 1962
1415 - Charles, Duke of Orleans, wrote it to his wife.
Where did Charles, Duke of Orleans, write the oldest Valentine?
a. While in battle b. While with his mistress c. On the road to Mandalay d. While Imprisoned in the Tower of London
While Imprisoned in the Tower of London - The Duke was captured during the Battle of Agincourt.
When did Valentine's Day begin to be popularly celebrated in Great Britain?
a. 17th century b. 20th century c. 19th century d. 18th century
17th century - Friends and lovers exchanged small tokens of affection.
During the Middle Ages, why did they decide the day should be romantic?
a. Romance was getting popular b. Feb 14 starts the bird's mating season c. It was a popular wedding date d. The Pope decreed it
Feb 14 starts the bird's mating season - This was commonly believed in England and France.
When did printed cards take the place of handwritten ones?
a. Beginning of 18th century b. Beginning of 19th century c. Middle of 18th century d. End of 17th century
End of 17th century - Printing technology had been improved by then.
In what year was the first mass produced Valentine sold in the USA?
a. 1900 b. 1880 c. 1910 d. 1840
1840 - They were started by Esther A. Howland.
How many Valentine's are sent each year?
a. 100 million b. 500 million c. 1 billion d. 10 million
1 billion - This is according to the Greeting Card Association.
Valentine's come in at what place as the largest card-selling holiday?
a. First b. Fourth c. Third d. Second
Second - An estimated 2.6 billion Christmas cards are sent each year!
Which of the following items is the gift most given on Valentine's Day?
a. Cards b. Flowers c. Jewelry d. Candy
Cards - Cards come in first, followed closely by candy and then flowers.
On average, how many marriages are there annually in the United States (based on 2013 statistics)?
a. 4.16 Million b. 2.16 Million c. 1.16 Million d. 3.16 Million
2.16 Million - As of 2013, there were 904 different dating services nationwide in the U.S.
What percentage of Valentine's Day cards are purchased by women?
a. 85 percent b. 65 percent c. 45 percent d. 75 percent
85 percent - According to 2013 statistics, about 65 percent of consumers participate in Valentine's Day.
What is the average number of children conceived on Valentine's Day annually in the United States?
a. 15,000 b. 11,000 c. 5,000 d. 7,500
11,000 - Based on 2013 statistics.
Approximately, what percentage of flowers sold for Valentine's Day are purchased by men?
a. 40 percent b. 65 percent c. 75 percent d. 50 percent
75 percent - According to a 2013 poll, over fifty percent of women would end their relationship if they did not receive something for Valentine's Day.
Approximately, what percentage of women send themselves flowers on Valentine's Day each year in the United States?
a. 10 percent b. 20 percent c. 30 percent d. 40 percent
10 percent - As of 2013, there were close to 25,000 florists nationwide in the United States.
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