Kids Trivia Questions #26Free Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
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What holiday, which is often associated with the color green, is celebrated on the seventeenth of March?
a. Valentine's Day b. Boxing Day c. Halloween d. St Patrick's Day
St Patrick's Day - St. Patrick is often shown with a staff.
In the Harry Potter books, what kind of creature delivers mail?
a. Mudbloods b. Owls c. Dragons d. Griffons
Owls - Harry has a snowy owl.
What kind of candy uses the slogan "Melts in your mouth, not in your hands"?
a. Smarties b. Nibs c. Rockets d. M and Ms
M and Ms - Smarties ask 'If you eat the red ones last?'.
In what game can you promote your playing pieces to "Kings"?
a. Checkers b. Backgammon c. Othello d. Chess
Checkers - In the game of checkers, a person's piece can be crowned if they reach the far side of the board.
In the classic story about Peter Rabbit, what is the name of the farmer who wants to keep hungry rabbits out of his vegetable garden?
a. McGregor b. MacDonald c. Smith d. Brown
McGregor - Peter's sisters are Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail.
How many "arms" does a starfish have?
a. Ten b. Five c. Seven d. Eight
Five - Starfish are sometimes called sea stars.
According to legend, which of the following monsters would be afraid of garlic?
a. Frankenstein b. Vampire c. Werewolf d. Zombie
Vampire - Vampires cannot see themselves in the mirror.
Canberra is the capital of which country?
a. South Korea b. Honduras c. Australia d. Turkey
Australia - As of 2013, there were less than 400,000 residents in living in Canberra.
Which continent is home to the guinea pig?
a. North America b. South America c. Europe d. Asia
South America - A guinea pig can also be called a cavy.
Which famous literary character lived in the Alps?
a. Heidi b. Pinocchio c. Peter Pan d. Tom Sawyer
Heidi - Heidi lived in the Swiss Alps.
In which game would you use letter tiles to make words?
a. Scrabble b. Monopoly c. Life d. Risk
Scrabble - Every letter tile has an assigned point value.
What is the name of the Little Mermaid's daughter who is not allowed in the ocean?
a. Faith b. Harmony c. Melody d. Erica
Melody - Melody wants to be able to swim in the ocean and runs away from home.
How many strings are on a standard guitar?
a. 8 b. 6 c. 10 d. 4
6 - There are four strings on a standard bass guitar.
Which of these creatures would not normally hunt mice?
a. Snake b. Hawk c. Cat d. Elephant
Elephant - Elephants are said to be afraid of mice.
What fruit can be called an alligator pear?
a. Avocado b. Pineapple c. Starfruit d. Breadfruit
Avocado - The avocado is used to make guacamole.
Which sport awards the Vince Lombardy Trophy?
a. Football b. Soccer c. Hockey d. Basketball
Football - The winner of the Super Bowl gets this trophy.
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