Bible Trivia I
Literature Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
Match the major Bible event with the proper book.
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
The Tower of Babel is built.
Genesis - Chapter 11, verse 1-9.
David Defeats Goliath.
I Samuel - Chapter 17.
Moses receives the 10 Commandments.
Exodus - Chapter 20, verse 1-17.
Solomon's temple is completed.
I Kings - The temple was said to be 120 cubits tall.
Solomon's temple is destroyed.
II Kings - The Temple of Solomon was said to hold the Ark of the Covenant.
Jesus is baptized.
Matthew - Chapter 3, verse 13-17.
Lazarus is raised from the dead.
John - John, Chapter 11.
The Ascension.
Acts - Chapter 1, verse 9-11.
Paul is imprisoned in Rome
Acts - Chapter 28, verse 30.
The Sermon on the Mount.
Matthew - Matthew Chapters 5-7 to be exact.
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