Arts And Literature Trivia Questions #11Free Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
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In the best-selling novel, "Life of Pi," how long was Pi at sea?
a. 354 days b. 80 days c. 227 days d. 36 days
227 days - Life of Pi was written by Yann Martel, a Canadian author.
The oldest surviving epic poem of Old English, what is the setting for "Beowulf"?
a. Scandinavia b. Ireland c. Scotland d. Wales
Scandinavia - Written by an anonymous author, the poem is dated sometime between the 8th and 11th centuries.
Owned by the character Captain Nemo in a novel by Jules Verne, what is the Nautilus?
a. A tank b. A submarine c. A warrior d. A horse
A submarine - Published in 1870, Captain Nemo can be found in Jules Verne's classic '20, 000 leagues Under the Sea'.
A chief figure in the abstract expressionist movement, which painter was nicknamed "Jack the Dripper"?
a. Jackson Pollock b. Jasper Johns c. Paul Cezanne d. Rembrandt van Rijn
Jackson Pollock - Jackson Pollock was an American painter who was well known for his distinctive style of drip painting.
In which novel would you find the characters Tracy Tupman, Sam Weller and Alfred Jungle?
a. As I Lay Dying b. The Pickwick Papers c. The Plague d. Wise Blood
The Pickwick Papers - Originally published in 20 monthly parts between April 1836 and November 1837, 'The Pickwick Papers' were written by Charles Dickens.
Dating sometime in the late 13th century, in which poem would you hear about the fearsome warrior "Gunnar Hamundarson"?
a. The Battle of Brunanburh b. The Fight at Finnsburh c. Cædmon's Hymn d. Njals Saga
Njals Saga - Njals Saga is set in Iceland.
A succession of four vampire-themed romance novels, who wrote the "Twilight" series?
a. Cassandra Clare b. Stephenie Meyer c. Veronica Roth d. Suzanne Marie Collins
Stephenie Meyer - The first novel in the series, named Twilight, was published in 2005.
First, performed in 1935, who is assassinated in the play "Murder in the Cathedral"?
a. Arch Bishop John Potter b. Arch Bishop Thomas Becket c. Arch Bishop Richard le Grant d. Arch Bishop John de Grey
Arch Bishop Thomas Becket - Murder in the Cathedral was written by T. S. Elliot.
Recounting the story of a SAS patrol behind enemy lines, what is the setting for the bestselling novel "Bravo Two Zero"?
a. Cuba b. Afghanistan c. Vietnam d. Iraq
Iraq - Published in 1993, the book was written by Andy McNab.
Henry Higgins and Eliza Doolittle are the main characters in which George Bernard Shaw play?
a. Guys and Dolls b. Oklahoma c. The King and I d. Pygmalion
Pygmalion - Pygmalion made its debut in 1912.
Who sculpted the famous sculpture, "Hermes and the Infant Dionysus"?
a. Bernini b. Praxiteles c. Auguste Rodin d. Michelangelo
Praxiteles - Found in the ruins of the Temple of Hera at Olympia, Hermes and the Infant Dionysus dates back to the 4th century BC.
First, published in 1979, who is the main antagonist in the novel "A Woman of Substance"?
a. Emma Harte b. Catherine Earnshaw c. Dorothy Gale d. Lisbeth Salander
Emma Harte - A Woman of Substance was written by Barbara Taylor Bradford.
One of the best-known works of ancient Greek sculpture, where would you be able to see the "Venus de Milo"?
a. Louvre Museum b. The Guggenheim c. La Spezia d. The British Museum
Louvre Museum - It is believed that the statue depicts Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love.
"The Warden" and "Doctor Thorne" are novels in which series?
a. Chronicles of Narnia b. Chronicles of Barsetshire c. The Vampire Chronicles d. A Song of Ice and Fire
Chronicles of Barsetshire - The Chronicles of Barsetshire were written by Anthony Trollope.
The phrase "Hail to thee blithe spirit" refers to what kind of bird?
a. Nightingale b. Mockingbird c. Dove d. Skylark
Skylark - This line is from a poem named 'To a Skylark' by Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Who travelled with Phileas Fogg?
a. Rochinante b. Kato c. Jean Passepartout d. Friday
Jean Passepartout - Fogg and Phileas are characters in the novel 'Around the World in Eighty Days'.
What kind of animal is George Stubbs known for painting?
a. Horses b. Elephants c. Birds d. Lions
Horses - 'Whislejacket' and 'Mares and Foals' are two of George Stubbs' works.
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