Arts And Literature Trivia Questions IIFree Trivia Questions -
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Which of these tales is included alongside "Rip Van Winkle" in
Washington Irving's "The Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent"?
a. The Last of the Mohicans
b. The Gift of the Magi
c. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
d. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
Although he had assistants do the pecking, whose "Life on the
Mississippi" was the first novel submitted to a publisher in typed form?
a. James Fenimore Cooper
b. Mark Twain
c. Washington Irving
d. Charles Dickens
What "Wizard of Oz" character is actually named Nick Chopper?
a. Tin Woodman
b. Cowardly Lion
c. Scarecrow
d. Wizard of Oz
In Magritte's "The Son of Man", what fruit obscures the face of the
man wearing the derby?
a. Orange
b. Banana
c. Apple
d. Pumpkin
What 15-square-mile alpine grand duchy attacks the United States in
The Mouse That Roared?
a. Ruritania
b. Genovia
c. Fenwick
d. Latveria
Literally speaking, what country produced the first sagas in the
12th and 13th centuries?
a. Iceland
b. Russia
c. Germany
d. England
Shattered accidentally by a drunk in 1845, what Roman vase inspired
Josiah Wedgewood and Benjamin Richardson?
a. Portland vase
b. Cardiff vase
c. Sussex vase
d. Sheffield vase
Frailty, thy name is woman. But what is the name of the specific
woman Hamlet has in mind?
a. Gertrude
b. Goneril
c. Ophelia
d. Mary
Who designed the geodesic dome that housed the US pavilion at Expo
67 in Moscow?
a. R Buckminster Fuller
b. Mies Van Der Rohe
c. IM Pei
d. Philip Johnson
Sylvester P Smythe was the mascot for what magazine?
a. Cracked
b. New Yorker
c. Mad
d. Playboy
In the art world, vernissage originally referred to the finishing
touches a painter adds to an already hanging work. What does it usually mean now?
a. A private viewing
b. Poorly done restorations
c. A work held in reserve for a buyer
d. A painter's signature
In a Greek tragedy, what is anagnorisis?
a. The moment of recognition or discovery
b. The portion of the play after the climax
c. The moment of betrayal
d. The introduction
Two of the novels in James Clavell's Asian Saga, "Tai-Pan" and
"Noble House", share what setting?
a. Japan
b. Singapore
c. Hong Kong
d. Taiwan
What city's Plain Dealer bills itself as "Ohio's Largest
a. Columbus
b. Cleveland
c. Cincinnati
d. Toledo
In this play, a witch cackles, "By the prickling of my thumbs,
something wicked this way comes." That line inspired titles by Agatha Christie and Ray Bradbury. But what is
the play?
a. Macbeth
b. Hamlet
c. A Midsummer Night's Dream
d. The Tempest

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