Animals and Nature Trivia QuizPrintable Trivia Questions About Animals
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"Canis lupus familiaris" is the scientific name for which common animal?
a. Cat b. Mouse c. Cow d. Dog
Dog - The English word dog comes from Middle English dogge.
A lobster's teeth are located in which part of its body?
a. Stomach b. Mouth c. Legs d. Claws
Stomach - Lobsters have 10 walking legs.
With no internal or external skeleton, how many hearts does an octopus have?
a. None b. One c. Two d. Three
Three - There are approximately 300 different species of octopus.
In the TV series "Friends," what type of monkey does Ross have as a pet?
a. Tamarin b. Capuchin c. Squirrel Monkey d. Bonobo
Capuchin - Capuchin monkeys are native to Central and South America.
What colour are flamingos when they are born?
a. White b. Pink c. Grey d. Blue
Grey - Although the behaviour is not fully understood, flamingos often stand on one leg.
What is an infant seal called?
a. Cub b. Pup c. Calf d. Babe
Pup - The gestation period for seals typically lasts a year.
Written by Stephen King, what type of animal is "Cujo" in the book of the same name?
a. Dog b. Horse c. Cat d. Rabbit
Dog - Cujo was published in 1981 and made into a film in 1983.
Zoologist Jane Goodall was a pioneer in the study of which animal species?
a. Chimpanzees b. Tigers c. Gorillas d. Lions
Chimpanzees - Goodall studied the social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees for 55 years in Tanzania.
Which predator often follows the polar bear, feeding on abandoned carcasses that the polar bear leaves behind?
a. Snow Bunting b. Northern Fulmar c. Blacklegged Kittiwake d. Arctic Fox
Arctic Fox - The arctic fox is also known as the white fox, polar fox or snow fox.
Which mammal has the scientific name "Ursus Arctos"?
a. Kodiak Bear b. Grizzly Bear c. Brown Bear d. Polar Bear
Brown Bear - Brown bears can weigh up to 1,400 lb.
Which fictional bear lived in a bear pit in Berne, Switzerland?
a. Bobby Bear b. Mary Plain c. Buffy the Bear d. Brier Bear
Mary Plain - Making her debut in the book "Mostly Mary" in 1930, Mary Plain was created by the Welsh author Gwynedd Rae.
Which animal is also known as a "Sand Rat" or "Desert Kangaroo"?
a. Hamster b. Shrew c. Gerbil d. Vole
Gerbil - Gerbils are social animals and live in groups in the wild.
The horn of a rhinoceros is made of which material?
a. Keratin b. Skin c. Bone d. Cartilage
Keratin - Bought and sold on the black market, Rhinoceros are routinely killed for their horns.
The extinct flightless bird "dodo" was principally native to which island?
a. Zanzibar b. Mauritius c. Madagascar d. Tasmania
Mauritius - The dodo was about 3.3 feet tall and weighed somewhere between 25 to 50 pounds.
In the film, "The Lion King," what kind of animals are Banzai, Ed and Shenzi?
a. Lions b. Hyenas c. Warthogs d. Wolves
Hyenas - Produced by Walt Disney, the Lion King was released in 1994.
How many knees does an elephant have?
a. 0 b. 8 c. 2 d. 4
4 - Four legs, four knees.
As of December 2014, how many giant panda's are estimated to be in the wild?
a. 1,600 b. 160 c. 16 d. 16,000
1,600 - The panda is native to south central China.
A "Lepidopterist" is someone who studies which type of animal?
a. Butterflies b. Birds c. Fish d. Ants
Butterflies - Depending on the species, adult butterflies can live from one week to almost a year.
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