Who Gets Credit Trivia QuizFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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Who gets credit for discovering the St. Lawrence River?
a. John Cabot
b. Jacques Cartier
c. Henry Hudson
d. Martin Frobisher
Who gets credit for being the first person to travel around the
a. Francis Drake
b. Ferdinand Magellan
c. Christopher Columbus
d. Jacques Cartier
Who gets credit for being the first country to use paper money?
a. China
b. Japan
c. USA
d. England
Who gets credit for inventing the first gasoline automobile?
a. Henry Ford
b. Karl Benz
c. Elisha Otis
d. Thomas Edison
Who gets credit for inventing the first telescope?
a. Galileo Galilei
b. Rene Descartes
c. Hans Lippershey
d. Nicolaus Copernicus
Who gets credit for issuing the first postage stamp?
a. China
b. USA
c. England
d. Germany
Who gets credit for mapping Newfoundland?
a. Jacques Cartier
b. John Cabot
c. Henry Hudson
d. Christopher Columbus
Who gets credit for discovering New Zealand?
a. Abel Tasman
b. Ferdinand Magellan
c. John Cook
d. Francis Drake
Who gets credit for inventing the first printing press?
a. Sir Thomas Moore
b. Leonardo da Vinci
c. Johannes Gutenberg
d. Angelo Poliziano
Who gets credit for sculpting "David"?
a. Leonardo da Vinci
b. Michelangelo
c. Raphael
d. Federico da Montefeltro
Who gets credit for inventing the guillotine?
a. Dr. Joseph Guillotin
b. Napoleon Bonaparte
c. Maximilien Robespierre
d. King Louis XVI
Who gets credit for inventing the bicycle?
a. Kirkpatrick Macmillan
b. Thomas Edison
c. Karl Benz
d. Benjamin Franklin
Who gets credit for inventing dynamite?
a. Isaac Singer
b. Alfred Nobel
c. Linus Yale
d. Samuel Johnson
Who gets credit for inventing the light bulb?
a. Huber Booth
b. Thomas Edison
c. Alexander Graham Bell
d. Lucien Smith
Who gets credit for developing the laptop computer?
a. England
b. USA
c. Japan
d. Germany
Who gets credit for inventing the steam engine?
a. Henry Seely
b. James Watt
c. Thomas Edison
d. Henry Ford
Who gets credit for developing the game of squash?
a. England
b. Scotland
c. USA
d. Canada
Who gets credit for the game of hockey?
a. USA
b. Canada
c. Norway
d. Switzerland
Who gets credit for conquering the Incas?
a. Francisco de Almeida
b. Hernan Cortes
c. Francisco Pizarro
d. Afonso d'Albuquerque
Who gets the credit for inventing the telegraph?
a. Albert Einstein
b. Samuel Morse
c. Thomas Edison
d. James Booth
Who gets credit for the game of basketball?
a. England
b. Canada
c. USA
d. Scotland
Who gets credit for conquering the Aztecs?
a. Hernan Cortes
b. Francisco Pizarro
c. Ferdinand Magellan
d. Ponce de Leon

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