Trivia Questions XXVFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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Which of these items would not have been worn by a Knight?
a. Solidaster
b. Barbute
c. Sallet
d. Armet
Solidaster - These are all different kinds of helmets that would have been worn by medieval knights. The
solidaster is a flower.
What book contains the characters Mr. Bumble, Monks, Fagan and
Little Dick?
a. Pinocchio
b. Animal Farm
c. Gulliver's Travels
d. Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist - Oliver Twist was written by Charles Dickens.
What was the name of The Lone Ranger's Horse?
a. Trigger
b. Silver
c. Beauty
d. Bullet
Silver - The Lone Ranger was a fiction hero of the old west. His tagline was Hi-Ho Silver Away!
What company used the slogan "Drink it and sleep"?
a. Pepsi
b. Sanka
c. Budweiser
d. Earl Grey
Sanka - The entire slogan was 'For people who love coffee, but not caffeine. Drink it and sleep'.
In which book would you read about a dragon named Smaug?
a. The Hobbit
b. The Princess Bride
c. The Never Ending Story
d. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
The Hobbit - The movie The Hobbit - An unexpected Journey was released in 2012.
In the movie Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, what item
of clothing did Lucius Malfoy give to Dobby?
a. A cape
b. A hat
c. A scarf
d. A sock
A sock - By giving Dobby a sock, Lucius gave Dobby his freedom.
How many rings are used in the Olympic logo?
a. Three
b. Nine
c. Seven
d. Five
Five - Although each country designs their own Olympic logo, they must include the basic rings.
Which of these people spent years in exile in Siberia?
a. Vladimir Lenin
b. Adolph Hitler
c. Karl Marx
d. Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin - Joseph Stalin committed numerous crimes including bank robbery and extortion before
becoming involved in politics.
What was Max Baer's claim to fame?
a. Boxer
b. High jumper
c. Sailor
d. Jockey
Boxer - Max was the Heavy Weight Champion of the World in 1934. He knocked his opponent down eleven
times before being awarded the win with a TKO.
The Video Rangers were the fan club of which superstar?
a. Captain Video
b. The Immortals
c. Captain Kangaroo
d. The Power Rangers
Captain Video - Captain Video debuted in 1949. The Captain had a sidekick called Video Ranger.
Who was the host of the radio show The Fireside Chat?
a. Nancy Reagan
b. President Franklin D Roosevelt
c. George Orwell
d. Alfred Hitchcock
President Franklin D Roosevelt - This radio show ran from 1933 to 1944.
In which children's classic novel would you find the characters
of Snowbell, George and Margalo?
a. Stewart Little
b. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
c. Prince Caspian
d. Alive in Wonderland
Stewart Little - Written by E.B. White, the novel was made into a film in 1999.
Which hockey player was nicknamed "The Magnificent"?
a. Mario Lemieux
b. Jaromir Jagr
c. Wayne Gretzky
d. Mark Messier
Mario Lemieux - Mario was a Canadian born hockey player. His achievements included an Olympic gold
medal, a world cup and a Canada cup.
Which company first produced the B-29 bomber?
a. Hawker
b. Saab
c. Supermarine Aviation Works
d. Boeing
Boeing - Boeing was started in 1916, in Seattle. After WWII, the engine of the bomber was used in a
Stratocruiser, model 377.
Which actor played the part of Sherriff of Nottingham in the
Film Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves (1991)?
a. Alan Rickman
b. Michael Caine
c. Peter O'Toole
d. Jeremy Irons
Alan Rickman - The movie starred Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman.

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