Trivia Questions XVIIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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Built by the Zeppelin Company, when did the Hindenburg blow up?
a. 1937
b. 1927
c. 1917
d. 1947
What kind of creature is a frog?
a. Reptile
b. Amphibian
c. Mammal
d. Invertebrate
Where is the Mariana Trench located?
a. The Moon
b. The Pacific Ocean
c. Mars
d. The Gobi Desert
Who wrote the classic novel Dune?
a. Isaac Asimov
b. Ray Bradbury
c. Frank Herbert
d. Dean Koontz
Sting was a member of which rock band?
a. The Police
b. Yes
c. Cheap Trick
d. Journey
What group of animals would be called a troop or a herd?
a. Hippopotamus
b. Kangaroo
c. Sea Lion
d. Whale
Which of these items is a part of the human brain?
a. Cyerce Nigra
b. Midorigia Australis
c. Cerebrum
d. Aleria Modesta
What kind of rock is formed by cooled magma?
a. Quartz
b. Sandstone
c. Igneous
d. Sedimentary
Which country claims the singer Brian Adams?
a. England
b. Canada
c. Untied States
d. Australia
What was the name of the princess in the movie a Bug's Life?
a. Atta
b. Violet
c. Margaret
d. Linda
In Norse mythology, who is Dagr?
a. The god of day
b. Odin's father
c. The god of healing
d. The god of music
A nimbus, a cumulus and a stratus are all kinds of what?
a. Waves
b. Clouds
c. Sea Snakes
d. Spiders
What is the shape of Milky Way Galaxy?
a. An hourglass
b. A boomerang
c. A barred spiral
d. A cylinder
What do sharks lack?
a. Bones
b. Gills
c. Teeth
d. Dorsal Fins
What is the more common name of potassium nitrate?
a. Saltpeter
b. Bleach
c. Baking Soda
d. Ammonia

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