The Brady Bunch Trivia QuizTV Show Trivia Questions - Printable
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
What was the name of the housekeeper on the show the Brady
a. Mary
b. Alice
c. Grace
d. Flo
Alice - The part of Alice is played by Anne B. Davis.
How many children do the Bradys have?
a. 8
b. 12
c. 4
d. 6
6 - The father had three boys.
Who plays the part of Jan on the show the Brady bunch?
a. Susan Olsen
b. Maureen McCormick
c. Eve Plumb
d. Florence Henderson
Eve Plumb - Jan is the middle child on the show.
What is the name of the housekeeper's boyfriend?
a. David
b. Paul
c. Sam
d. Hal
Sam - Sam is the local butcher.
What kind of dog do the Bradys own?
a. German Shepherd
b. Pug
c. Bearded collie
d. Chihuahua
Bearded collie - The dog's name is Tiger.
What does Mike Brady do to solve the phone problem in the
a. Grounds the children
b. Takes the phone out
c. Gets each child their own phone
d. Installs a payphone
Installs a payphone - The pay phone almost causes Mike Brady to lose an important contract.
Which of the children might be allergic to the family pet in
the Brady Bunch episode Katchoo?
a. Peter
b. Bobby
c. Cindy
d. Jan
Jan - The family is worried that they may have to give Tiger away due to the allergy.
Which of the Brady children is teased at school for having a
a. Cindy
b. Greg
c. Bobby
d. Marcia
Cindy - This episode called 'A Fistful of Reasons' was aired in November 1970.
What was the name of the middle son on the hit show The Brady
a. Peter
b. Bobby
c. Sam
d. Mike
Peter - The oldest son is Greg.
What was the name of Jan's imaginary boyfriend?
a. Kevin
b. Anthony
c. David
d. George
George - Jan invents George Glass because she is jealous.
Which of the Brady children broke the vase during the episode
"Confessions Confessions"?
a. Mike
b. Bobby
c. Greg
d. Peter
Peter - Peter broke the vase while playing ball in the house.
Which of the children gets caught with cigarettes in their
a. Cindy
b. Marcia
c. Bobby
d. Greg
Greg - No-one believes Greg when he says that they are not his.
Which of the Brady children gets injured in a surfing accident?
a. Cindy
b. Jan
c. Peter
d. Greg
Greg - The accident occurs while the family is in Hawaii.
What does Mike Brady do for a living?
a. Architect
b. Airline Pilot
c. Journalist
d. Banker
Architect - Mike was played by Robert Reed.
Which person is Peter asked to portray in a school play?
a. Christopher Columbus
b. George Washington
c. Benedict Arnold
d. Abraham Lincoln
Benedict Arnold - Peter is teased by all his friends because he has been asked to play a traitor.
In the episode "Amateur Night", how do the children plan to pay
for their parent's anniversary gift?
a. Winning a talent show
b. Mowing lawns
c. Dog walking
d. Baby sitting
Winning a talent show - Jan underestimates the price of the silver tray, so the kids have to find some
way of earning money.
Which of the Brady children is given the "attic" bedroom?
a. Greg
b. Marcia
c. Cindy
d. Peter
Greg - Both Jan and Greg want to turn the attic into their own bedroom in the episode, 'A Room at the

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