The Beatles Trivia Quiz IIFree Music Trivia Questions - Printable Music Trivia
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Inspiration for two Beatles' hit songs, where are Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields located?
Liverpool England - Taken from two Beatles songs of the same name.
What was the original title for the Beatles' movie "Help"?
Eight arms to hold you. - Help was released in 1965.
What sort of albums did George Martin produce prior to working with the Beatles?
Comedy - George Martin, head of A and R at Parlophone, was the producer of all of the Beatles' records except for 'Let It Be'.
Which Beatle supposedly died and was replaced by a look-alike, according to a 1969 rumor?
Paul - Some believe the Beatles and Apple Records started the rumor as a marketing ploy.
Whom was the Beatles' manager until his death in 1967?
Brian Epstein - Paul McCartney once said, 'If anyone was the Fifth Beatle, it was Brian'.
What was the last album recorded by the Beatles?
Abbey Road - The last album released was 'Let It Be'.
What song does the following lyrics "Satisfaction Guaranteed" come from?
Magical Mystery Tour - Released in 1967.
What song does the following lyrics, "Oh please, say to me, you'll let me be your man," come from?
I Wanna Hold Your Hand - Lead vocals by John Lennon.
The b-side to the number 1 hit single "Hello, Goodbye," which Beatles' song mentions Edgar Allen Poe?
I Am the Walrus - The song can be found on the album, 'Magical Mystery Tour'.
Which band/artist also had a hit with the Beatles' song "Ticket to Ride"?
The Carpenters - The Carpenters released the song on an album of the same name.
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