TarzanFree Tarzan Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
Position your cursor over the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
What was the name of Tarzan's monkey in the movies?
Who is the creator and author of the Tarzan novels?
By what peerage was Tarzan also known as?
What was Tarzan's mate's name?
What was the name of Tarzan's ape mother?
The first Tarzan film was a silent movie - who starred as Tarzan?
Which one of these actors played Tarzan in the movies? Johnny Weismuller, Lex Barker or Mike Henry?
Who was the best known Tarzan actor, for his many Tarzan movies?
Which actor played Tarzan in the movie, 'Tarzan: the Legend of Greystoke'?
How many Tarzan novels did Burroughs pen before his death?
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