Star Trek The Original Series QuizTV Show Trivia Questions -
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How long was the USS Enterprise's mission supposed to last?
a. 3 years
b. 5 years
c. 10 years
d. It was never stated
Where did Captain James Kirk serve before the USS Enterprise?
a. USS Republic
b. USS Summit
c. USS Farragut
d. USS Defiant
Scotty was played by James Doohan. What country is James originally
a. Scotland
b. The United States
c. Canada
d. Australia
Amanda Grayson, Spock's mother, was very fond of one author. Who
was her favorite writer?
a. Lewis Carroll
b. Ernest Hemingway
c. Jack London
d. William Shakespeare
The original Star Trek series took place over how many years?
a. 1
b. 5
c. 3
d. 10
Leo Francis Walsh was a known galactic criminal and a con man. What
was his real name?
a. Roger Charles Carmel
b. Zefram Cochrane
c. Harcourt Fenton Mudd
d. Robert Fox
How does Kirk call McCoy?
a. Bones
b. Jay
c. Doc
d. Mac
Originally, the creators of the show intended for Spock to be from
Mars. Later, however, they changed it to Vulcan. Why?
a. They thought it was too similar to George Welles' novel War of the
b. They thought that humans would walk on Mars soon after the show was
c. They wanted something more exotic than a planet from our Solar
d. At the time of the creation of Star Trek they knew Mars was basically
a desert
Which state is the birthplace of James T. Kirk?
a. Arizona
b. New Jersey
c. Iowa
d. Maine
Who was supporting the people of planet Neural with weapons
(Episode 19, Season 2, 'A Private Little War')?
a. Romulans
b. Klingons
c. Humans
d. Andorians
Who designed the costumes for the Star Trek crew?
a. Jack Pierce
b. Bill Theiss
c. John Caglione
d. Stan Winston
What was the invention of Zefram Cochrane?
a. Replicators
b. Warp drive technology
c. Androids
d. Teleportation technology
The physiology of the alien race Horta, that caused problems in the
mines of Janus VI, is based on which element?
a. Lithium
b. Silicon
c. Carbon
d. Sulfur
In one episode, James T. Kirk engaged himself in a fight against an
individual of the Gorn race on the surface of a desert planet. What was the title of the episode?
a. Arena
b. The Enemy Within
c. Space Seed
d. The Cloud Minders
One of the members of the crew was chief communications officer
Uhura. Her name comes from Swahili word "uhuru". What does it mean?
a. Freedom
b. Star
c. Hope
d. Light

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