September 2012 Current Events QuizFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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Before making his Democratic convention speech, President Barack
Obama released one of his favourite recipes. What was it for?
a. Pie
b. Ale
c. Pizza
d. Soup
Which Arab country recently introduced a smoking ban?
a. Syria
b. Lebanon
c. Egypt
d. Jordan
Spain recently lifted a TV ban on what?
a. Bullfighting
b. Porn
c. MMA
d. Alcohol commercials
Which UK newspaper published photos of the naked prince Harry?
a. The Daily Mirror
b. The Sun
c. Weekly World News
d. The People
Which popular airline had massive delays recently?
a. RyanAir
b. Lufthansa
c. KLM
d. Air France
Which famous musician received the highest French award, France's
Legion of Honour?
a. Sir Paul McCartney
b. Bob Dylan
c. Bono
d. Madonna
What is the new blockbuster by Simon West?
a. The Dark Knight Rises
b. The Expendables 2
c. Lawless
d. Battleship
What country was struck by an earthquake on the 8th of September
a. South Korea
b. China
c. Indonesia
d. Malaysia
What famous film festival started on the 7th of September 2012?
a. Toronto Film Festival
b. Cannes Film Festival
c. Berlin International Film Festival
d. Venice Film Festival
A book that was in possession of Elvis Presley has been recently
auctioned for 59 thousand GBP. What book was it?
a. Heart of Darkness
b. The Bible
c. Alice in Wonderland
d. Ulysses
Which country is leading in the medal classification at the
a. China
b. Russia
c. Great Britain
d. Ukraine
The king of the Zulu tribe in South Africa recently demanded funds
from the parliament for a mansion for his newest wife. Which wife is that?
a. 6th
b. 2nd
c. 1St
d. 3rd
What's the name of the biggest current music hit song from
a. Gangnam Style
b. Call Me Maybe
c. Lights
d. Whistle
What famous Hollywood actor died recently at the age of 54?
a. Viggo Mortensen
b. Gary Oldman
c. Michael Clarke Duncan
d. Kevin Sorbo
Recent news on the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir
Putin showed him performing a stunt among what animals?
a. Cranes
b. Mooses
c. Bears
d. Pandas

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