Science Trivia Questions XXIIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
When was the rubber balloon invented?
a. 1736
b. 1824
c. 1910
d. 1609
1824 - The rubber balloon was invented by Michael Faraday.
What shape is the galaxy called the Milky Way?
a. A corkscrew
b. A flattened spiral
c. A flat tube
d. A sphere
A flattened spiral - Earth is located in the Milky Way.
How many eyelids does a cat have?
a. 1
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2
3 - A cat has three eye lids on each eye. The third lid can often be seen when a cat is sick.
Which of these is an ingredient in gunpowder?
a. Hydrogen
b. Pepper
c. Saltpeter
d. Mercury
Saltpeter - Gunpowder also contains charcoal and potassium nitrate.
How is an igneous rock formed?
a. Water
b. Pressure
c. Fossilized bones
d. Cooled magma
Cooled magma - There are three major kinds of rock - igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.
Which of your five senses is most related to your memory?
a. Sight
b. Touch
c. Taste
d. Smell
Smell - The fifth sense is the sense of hearing.
What kind of bird is the smallest in the world?
a. Nightingale
b. Chickadee
c. Hummingbird
d. Swallow
Hummingbird - A Bee Hummingbird is only 5-6 cm in length.
What part of the brain is sometimes referred to as the "Fear
a. Amygdala
b. Solitary nucleus
c. Medullary pyramids
d. Tectum
Amygdala - This part of your brain is located in the medial temporal lobes.
How many astronauts were on the Mercury flights?
a. 7
b. 3
c. 5
d. 1
1 - There was only one astronaut on the flights. The Mercury program ran from 1959 to 1963.
Which of these inventers had more than 1000 patents at the time
of their death?
a. Benjamin Franklin
b. Eli Whitney
c. Henry ford
d. Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison - Thomas Edison is most remembered for invention of the light bulb.
What was Mary Mallon famous for?
a. Designing the space needle
b. First woman in space
c. Inventing the cotton gin
d. Spreading typhoid fever
Spreading typhoid fever - Typhoid Mary, as she became known, was thought to have infected 51 people with
the disease.
Which of these vegetables is a perennial?
a. Potato
b. Squash
c. Corn
d. Rhubarb
Rhubarb - Asparagus is also a perennial.
What turns litmus paper blue?
a. Acid
b. Copper
c. Blood
d. Base
Base - If the paper turns red, the liquid is acid.
How many colors are there in a rainbow?
a. 7
b. 9
c. 15
d. 12
7 - The first color is red.
What is the correct term for young female cow?
a. Filly
b. Ox
c. Steer
d. Heifer
Heifer - The word steer is used for male cows.
Which direction does the needle on a compass point to?
a. West
b. South
c. East
d. North
North - The compass dates back to ancient China.
How far away is the sun?
a. 93 million miles
b. 150 million miles
c. 50 million miles
d. 20 million miles
93 million miles - The sun is the closest star to earth.
What does the Fujita Scale measure?
a. Temperature
b. Atmospheric pressure
c. Tornados
d. Earthquakes
Tornados - This scale is used to determine a tornado's intensity (the potential damage that a tornado
can do).
What is the nearest galaxy to the Milky Way?
a. Canis Major Dwarf
b. Magellanic Clouds
c. Andromeda
d. Ursa Major II Dwarf
Canis Major Dwarf - The galaxy was discovered in 2003.

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