Science Trivia Questions XXFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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On average, how much does human hair grow in one year?
a. 9 inches
b. 6 inches
c. 12 inches
d. 3 inches
6 inches - About a half an inch per month.
Besides creating the now-worthless slide rule, what is mathematician William Oughtred's claim
to fame?
a. Created the multiplication sign X
b. Helped Newton develop calculus
c. Did pioneering Sanskrit research
d. Founded the Royal Society
Created the multiplication sign X - He also introduced the abbreviations 'sin' and 'cos' for the sine
and cosine functions.
Who discovered X-Rays?
a. Sir Isaac Newton
b. Arthur Schopenhauer
c. Wilhelm Roentgen
d. Martin Luther
Wilhelm Roentgen - The achievement earned him the first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901.
Which of the following is the most acidic pH?
a. 9.0
b. 2.5
c. 6.0
d. 1.0
1.0 - The lower the pH, the more acidic the solution is.
After pooling his money with friends to buy a diamond, which scientist burned it in 1772 to
discover that diamonds are made of carbon?
a. Carl Scheele
b. Joseph Priestley
c. Humphrey Davy
d. Antoinet Lavoisier
Antoinet Lavoisier - Antoinet was guillotined on the 8th of May in 1794. He was 50 years old.
Which is the second most abundant chemical element on Earth?
a. Hydrogen
b. Nitrogen
c. Oxygen
d. Silicon
Silicon - Silicon dioxide and other silicates make up about 87 percent of the material in the Earth's
Which group does not fit the unicellular definition of Kingdom Protista?
a. Protozoans
b. Algae
c. Slime Molds
d. Seaweeds
Seaweeds - Protists live in almost any environment that contains water.
How many "Earth's" could be formed out of the volume of the Sun?
a. 252,000
b. 1.3 Million
c. 300,100
d. 201,000
1.3 Million - Three quarters of the Sun's mass consists of hydrogen and the rest is mostly helium.
Can you identify the branch of mathematics that primarily deals with apothems?
a. Calculus
b. Algebra
c. Differential calculus
d. Geometry
Geometry - A mathematician who works in the field of geometry is called a geometer.
What is the largest and heaviest organ of the human body?
a. Liver
b. Stomach
c. Skin
d. Heart
Skin - All mammals have some hair on their skin.
What does the goliath birdeater spider use in its web to help catch its prey?
a. They scent the web
b. Flowers
c. They bait the web with insects
d. A trip wire
A trip wire - The goliath birdeater is considered to be the second largest spider in the world.
Which principle, first stated by Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier in 1789, was revised in 1905 by
Albert Einstein?
a. Conservation of Momentum
b. Lagrangian Function
c. Conservation of Mass
d. Principle of First Action
Conservation of Mass - The principle implies that mass can neither be created nor destroyed.
Famed scientist, chemist Jons Jakob Berzelius (1779-1848) was a native of what country?
a. Germany
b. Austria
c. Switzerland
d. Sweden
Sweden - Jons is considered one of the fathers of modern chemistry.
In 1820, which metal was the first substance after iron, shown to be capable of being
a. Silver
b. Gold
c. Copper
d. Nickel
Copper - As a trace dietary mineral, copper is essential to all living organisms.
Who invented dynamite?
a. Alfred Nobel
b. Alfred E. Neumann
c. Tzun Ling
d. Albert Einstein
Alfred Nobel - Nobel held 350 different patents, dynamite being the best known.

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