Science Trivia Questions XVIIIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
How many hearts does an Octopus have?
a. 1
b. 4
c. 2
d. 3
3 - Two hearts pump blood through the gills and a third pumps blood throughout the body.
Which of the following letters does not represent a chemical
element within the periodic table of elements?
a. Z
b. J
c. K
d. A
J - All elements found within the table have been discovered or synthesized.
Which of the following scientists laid the foundations for the
present classification system of life using binomial nomenclature?
a. William Thomson
b. Georges Cuvier
c. Charles Darwin
d. Carl Linnaeus
Carl Linnaeus - Carl was a botanist, physician and zoologist.
Which of the following is one of the four valves of the heart?
a. Tricuspid
b. Cuboid
c. Metacarpal
d. Cardiac
Tricuspid - The heart is found in all animals that have a circulatory system.
Which 1970 space mission was the first to successfully land a
craft on Venus?
a. Mariner 2
b. Venera 7
c. Viking 1
d. Pioneer 1
Venera 7 - Venera 7 was a Soviet spacecraft.
Which fundamental force was predicted by Enrico Fermi in 1934
to explain beta decay?
a. Strong interaction
b. Gravity
c. Weak interaction
d. Electromagnetism
Weak interaction - Enrico is best known for his work on the development of Chicago Pile-1, the first
nuclear reactor.
Most of the planets orbiting our sun spin counter-clockwise.
Which of the following planets listed rotates clockwise?
a. Venus
b. Neptune
c. Earth
d. Jupiter
Venus - Uranus and the dwarf planet Pluto also rotate clockwise.
Insulin was the first human protein to be synthesized. In what
a. 1955
b. 1965
c. 1945
d. 1935
1965 - Insulin is used medically to treat some forms of diabetes.
Which subatomic particle was the first to be discovered?
a. Proton
b. Electron
c. Neutron
d. Positron
Electron - The electron is a subatomic particle with a negative electric charge.
How many microns are in one metric metre?
a. 10 million
b. 1000 million
c. 100 million
d. 1 million
1 million - Although officially discouraged, the term micron is often used instead of micrometre.
Which are the only people who do not experience REM sleep?
a. Schizophrenic
b. Blind from birth
c. Insane
d. Do not dream
Blind from birth - REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement.
Which principle, first stated by Faraday in 1831, states that a
magnet's motion relative to a metal conductor generates an electric pulse?
a. Magnetic conduction
b. Paramagnetic reduction
c. Electric inversion
d. Magnetic induction
Magnetic induction - Joseph Henry made a similar discovery in 1830, but did not publish his findings
until later.
Which of these are a unit of electrical resistance?
a. Ohm
b. Hertz
c. Alamo
d. Farad
Ohm - The Ohm was named after German physicist Georg Simon Ohm.
Who is credited with developing "Coordinate Geometry"?
a. Descartes
b. Kelvin
c. Leibnitz
d. Newton
Descartes - Descartes is probably best known for the statement 'I think, therefore I am.'
As of 2012, how many Russian Cosmonauts have been on the Moon?
a. None
b. 4
c. 8
d. 12
None - So far, 12 astronauts have been on the moon.

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