Science Trivia Questions XVIIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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In 1655, Christian Huygens became the first person to discover a
moon orbiting a planet other than ours or Jupiter. He called it, simply, Saturni Luna ("moon of Saturn"). What
do we call it today?
a. Titan
b. Ganymede
c. Triton
d. Europa
Many mammals, such as cats, can detect chemicals in the air with
their Jacobson's organ. Where is this organ?
a. Roof of the mouth
b. Inside the nose
c. Behind the ears
d. At the corners of the eyes
Castor oil comes, not from beavers, but from the castor bean. What
poison comes from the castor bean plant's seeds?
a. Ricin
b. Anthrax
c. Sarin
d. Mustard gas
With about 25,000 species, what group of animals makes up almost
half of all known vertebrate species?
a. Birds
b. Fish
c. Insects
d. Mammals
What blue pill is known chemically as sildenafil citrate?
a. Prozac
b. Viagra
c. Claritin
d. Zoloft
What kind of radiation produces tans by releasing the pigment
melanin into the skin's cells?
a. UV rays
b. Infrared rays
c. Gamma rays
d. X-rays
The Queen Alexandra's birdwing is considered the largest species of
what type of animal?
a. Songbird
b. Butterfly
c. Bat
d. Dinosaur
This isn't lactose. It's actually a hydroxide of element #12. But
it helps with indigestion and constipation. What is it?
a. Milk of magnesia
b. Antacid
c. Sodium bicarbonate
d. Calcium carbonate
If you have Tay-Sachs, a fatal brain disease, your family tree
almost certainly includes which people?
a. African Americans
b. Irish and Scots
c. Eastern European Jews
d. Armenians and Arabs
What is unusual about kids with progeria?
a. They have extremely heightened senses
b. They have stratospheric IQs
c. They are aging incredibly rapidly
d. They never grow taller than 3 feet
Dr Juliers Wagner von Jauregg won a Nobel Prize for figuring out a
way to fight syphilis with what other disease?
a. Smallpox
b. Influenza
c. Malaria
d. Tuberculosis
Who or what would have lanugo hairs?
a. Whales and dolphins
b. Fur-bearing animals
c. Fetuses
d. Reptiles and birds
The poorwill was the first bird discovered to be doing something
that we once thought no birds did. What?
a. Hibernating
b. Attacking with poison
c. Bonding in same-sex partnerships
d. Using human words intelligently
French and British astronomers predicted the existence of what
planet in 1846, which Johann Gottfried Galle found later that year?
a. Neptune
b. Saturn
c. Uranus
d. Pluto
The smallest true member of the bear family is Ursus malayanus,
known popularly by what name?
a. Sun bear
b. Koala bear
c. Panda bear
d. Sloth bear

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