Science Trivia Questions XVFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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What is the value of 5! (ie, 5 factorial)?
a. 15
b. 3125
c. 120
d. 0
A heavy-duty style of number crunching called sabermetrics gets its
name from SABR, founded by a warehouse security guard named Bill James. What is the SABR?
a. South Atlanta Brotherhood of Railroaders
b. Statistical Analysis of Backward Records
c. Society for American Baseball Research
d. Stars-and-Bars Resurgent
The periodic table is based on the atomic number of the elements.
But what is the atomic number based on?
a. Electrons
b. Neutrons
c. Protons
d. Bygones
A staple of science fiction, what theoretical particle can
theoretically go faster than light?
a. Quark
b. Tachyon
c. Baryon
d. Photon
In the 1986 book "Engines of Creation," Eric Drexler described what
then-futuristic technology?
a. Cloning
b. Nanotechnology
c. Fiber optics
d. Robotics
Although popularized by Leonard Euler, what symbol was first used
in 1706 by William Jones, who picked it because it was the first letter in the Greek word for perimeter?
a. Rho
b. Chi
c. Pi
d. Iota
What pioneer of computing also backed SpaceShipOne, the private
spacecraft that won the $10 million Ansari X Prize in 2004?
a. Paul Allen
b. Steve Jobs
c. Steve Wozniak
d. Steve Ballmer
There's 3D and Einstein added time. The Fifth Dimension took us
"Up, Up and Away". But how many dimensions are required by superstring theory?
a. Ten
b. An infinite number
c. Six
d. None
What unit of electrical charge is named for a French pioneer in
electrical theory who was once a military engineer in the West Indies?
a. Ampere
b. Coulomb
c. Joule
d. Ohm
What element did its discoverer, Paul Lecoq de Boisbaudran, name
for both his native country and as a pun on the Latin translation of his name?
a. Gallium
b. Francium
c. Polonium
d. Americium
In math, what word describes the average of a group of numbers?
a. Mean
b. Median
c. Mode
d. Middle
Sometimes, you find a beautiful bit of glass called a fulgurite.
What created it?
a. Pressures of the earth
b. Constant flow of saltwater
c. A bolt of lightning
d. Volcanic reactions
Eratosthenes of Cyrene is said to be the first to estimate
accurately the diameter of the earth. What does the Sieve of Eratosthenes do?
a. Finds prime numbers
b. Calculates pi
c. Helps divide large numbers
d. Estimates square roots
What Apple computer, the first commercial PC with a mouse, was
purportedly named for Steve Jobs' illegitimate daughter?
a. Lisa
b. Jennifer
c. Michelle
d. Kathleen
Where did the NEAR Shoemaker spacecraft land on February 12,
a. The asteroid 433 Eros
b. The comet Borrelly
c. The International Space Station
d. Pluto

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