Science Trivia Questions VFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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In the 1500s, fencing master Ludolf van Ceulen became obsessed with
which irrational, transcendental number?
It's almost certain that when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, he
flubbed his big line. What word did he leave out of the famous phrase, "That's one small step for [?] man, one
giant leap for mankind"?
In 1964, what did Murray Gell-Mann and Fred Zweig name for a word from James Joyce's "Finnegans
What are you most likely to do with C12 H22 O11?
On May 22, 1849, who received patent #6469 for a never-manufactured
device that used inflatable chambers to lift steamboats over shoals?
The crucial line 8 of a Snellan chart reads DEFPOTEC. What is the
Snellen chart used to test?
What 1899 discovery is credited to Bayer chemist Felix Hoffmann,
although Rev. Edward Stone had worked with willow bark back in 1763?
If you scored 10 out of 10 on the Apgar scale, named for
anesthesiologist Virginia Apgar, what would you be?
As you age, what part of your body will be affected by poliosis and
maybe even alopecia, especially if you're a man?
In the 1800s, what inventor of the flying trapeze created the
tight-fitting garment now named for him and urged men to "put on a more natural garb, which does not hide your
best features"?
The longest side of a right-angled triangle is called?
Who created the first vaccine for rabies?
The center area of a hurricane is called?
The organ that is responsible for producing insulin in the human
body is called?
The metal filaments that are found in a light bulb are made from

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