Science Trivia Questions IXFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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If in Back to the Future, Marty McFly replaced his flux capacitor
with a plain old everyday capacitor, what would it do?
a. Send electricity to the gears
b. Store electrical charge
c. Prevent electrical shorts
d. Measure electrical current
In the Kevin Bacon game, as well as in Stanley Milgram's Small
World Experiment, how many degrees of separation supposedly separate you from anybody else on Earth?
a. Twenty-five
b. Twelve
c. Six
d. Ninety-nine
If Sabrina the Teenage Witch needs to make a tincture of something,
what will that something be dissolved into?
a. Blood
b. Saltwater
c. Alcohol
d. Acid
What do gluons "glue" together within hadrons?
a. Quasars
b. Quarks
c. Quirks
d. Quickies
3D is height, width and breadth. Under Einstein's general theory of
relativity, what is the fourth dimension?
a. Gravity
b. Light
c. Time
d. That "Age of Aquarius" band
When you pass gas, the gases are a combination of nitrogen, carbon
dioxide and methane. If an aristocratic nobleman were to only pass noble gases, which of these gases would not
be in the recipe?
a. Helium
b. Neon
c. Ammonia
d. Argon
The Mizar was a flying car, made in the early 1970s by adding the
rear portion of a Cessna Skymaster to what Ford car, whose fuel tank was prone to explosions if messed with
from behind?
a. Ford Escort
b. Ford Pinto
c. Ford Corsair
d. Ford Focus
What famous painter also designed a bat-like flying device that
never got off the ground?
a. Leonardo da Vinci
b. Michelangelo
c. Samuel Morse
d. James Whistler
Why is it unusual that Oklahoma City's two airports are named for
Will Rogers and Wiley Post?
a. They died in the same plane crash
b. They famously were afraid to fly
c. They co-wrote, "Man Will Never Fly"
d. They hated Oklahoma and opposed building the airports
For whom were the Oldsmobile and the Reo Speedwagon named?
a. Richard Evert Oldman
b. Ransom Eli Olds
c. O Henry Reo
d. Old Man Reo Ford
If Auric Goldfinger had all the gold ever extracted in a typical
year, what would he need to store it all in?
a. A football stadium
b. One of the Great Lakes
c. A good sized room
d. The Empire State Building
In 2000, I founded the Justin Timberlake Fans4Ever Club. When will
my club celebrate its quasiquicentennial?
a. 2250
b. 2500
c. 2125
d. 2050
What is the chemical symbol of the element with the shortest
English name?
a. Cu
b. Sn
c. Pb
d. Fe
Mintaka is the Arabic word for "belt". Mintaka, Alnilam and Alnitak
are the stars that keep what constellation's pants from falling down?
a. Orion
b. Aquarius
c. Cassiopeia
d. Sagittarius

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