Science Trivia Questions E23Free Trivia Questions - Printable
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The practice of drilling holes in a skull is known as...
a. Trepanning
b. Trajectory
c. Lobotomy
d. Mastectomy
Trepanning - Trepanning was practiced even in Ancient Rome.
The Scoville Heat Unit Scale can be used to measure which of
the following?
a. Radiation
b. Chilli pepper spiciness
c. The movement of tectonic plates in magma
d. Heat of gamma rays in outer space.
Chilli pepper spiciness - Serrano pepper is measured between 10,000 and 23,000 SCUs, while the spiciest
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion pepper measures over 1.5 million SCUs!
Bleeding gums and extreme weakness, often happening at sea, are
symptoms of which disease?
a. Rabies
b. Mildronate
c. Angina
d. Scurvy
Scurvy - Surprisingly, the common knowledge of using lemons as a treatment had been forgotten for about
2 centuries.
Which human body part contains the smallest bones?
a. Foot
b. Hand
c. Mouth
d. Ear
Ear - The bones are called anvil, hammer and stirrup.
The layer of atmosphere closest to us is known as...
a. Magnetosphere
b. Troposphere
c. Mesosphere
d. Stratosphere
Troposphere - The current composition of our atmosphere is the result of billions of years of planetary
Where can we find the Karman line?
a. On a map of the oceans
b. On the verge of the Solar System
c. In the atmosphere
d. In the depths of Earth
In the atmosphere - The Karman line is the boundary between Earth's atmosphere and outer space.
What is the lifespan of a red blood cell?
a. No more than 48 hours.
b. Around 120 days
c. About 3 weeks
d. At least 2 years
Around 120 days - Red blood cells are also known as erythrocytes.
The Viking space probe was the first one to send photographs of
which planet?
a. Venus
b. Mars
c. Saturn
d. Jupiter
Mars - Both Viking I and Viking II sent photos of Mars.
Tabular, blocky, wedge, dome, pinnacle, dry dock, growler and
bergy bit. These are all terms used for which of the following?
a. Viruses
b. Asteroids
c. Icebergs
d. Volcanos
Icebergs - The word 'iceberg' comes from 'mountain of ice' in Dutch.
What is the symbol for Calcium?
a. Cs
b. Cl
c. Co
d. Ca
Ca - Cs is Caesium, Co is Cobalt and Cl is Chlorine.
How many square millimetres is there in a square kilometer?
a. 1 million (10^6)
b. 1 trillion (10^12)
c. 1 quadrillion (10^15)
d. 1 billion (10^9)
1 trillion (10^12) - A million millimeters times a million millimeters.
Which blood type is the rarest?
a. O
b. A
c. AB
d. B
AB - Less than 1 percent of all the population has AB Negative.
Ichthyology is the study of...
a. Reptiles
b. Bugs
c. Birds
d. Fish
Fish - Ichthyology recognizes three types of fish - skeletal, cartilaginous and jawless fish.
How long does a full day last in Jupiter?
a. Less than 6 hours
b. Less than 4 hours
c. Over 15000 hours.
d. Less than 10 hours
Less than 10 hours - A day in Jupiter lasts about 9 hours and 55 minutes.
What is a feldspar?
a. A mineral
b. An insect
c. A tree
d. A structural part of a building
A mineral - Feldspars are widely used in glass making.
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