Science Fiction TV Shows Trivia Questions IIIFree Trivia Questions -
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Which of the following TV series is a spin-off prequel of
Battlestar Galactica?
a. Warehouse 13
b. Sanctuary
c. Eureka
d. Caprica
Caprica - Caprica took place about 58 years prior to the events of Battlestar Galactica.
What did Mr. Beamish want to do in the Twilight Zone episode
"Time Enough At Last"?
a. Read
b. Sleep
c. Play music
d. Write
Read - The well-known episode was adapted from a short story by Lyn Venable.
What actor plays Lacroix, Forever Knight's former master who
made him immortal?
a. John Kapelos
b. Nigel Bennett
c. Geraint Wyn Davies
d. Natsuko Ohama
Nigel Bennett - Geraint Wyn Davies played the role of Detective Nick Knight.
On the TV series Sliders, what sport did Quinn play in high
a. Hockey
b. Baseball
c. Basketball
d. Football
Football - During filming of the episode 'Desert Storm', guest actor Ken Steadman was killed in a dune
buggy accident.
In its brief time on NBC, what television series featured three
serialized programs - "The Curse of Dracula", "The Secret Empire" and "Stop Susan Williams"?
a. Edge
b. American Gothic
c. Cliffhangers
d. Thrillers
Cliffhangers - Cliffhangers was cancelled after 10 episodes.
Who was Buck's robot companion on "Buck Rogers in the 25th
a. Robbie
b. Twiggy
c. Ziggy
d. Twiki
Twiki - Twiki's robot model number is 22-23-T.
Who created the 1973 American television film pilot Genesis II?
a. David Lynch
b. Gene Roddenberry
c. Gerry Anderson
d. Rod Serling
Gene Roddenberry - Roddenberry had stories lined up for a 20-episode first season, but CBS declined to
air them.
What was the profession of Number 6 on "The Prisoner", and
presumably the profession of most of the other Villagers?
a. Spy
b. Scientist
c. Psychiatrist
d. Assassin
Spy - A remade TV miniseries of the show aired on 15–17 November 2009.
What actor played the title character in "The Green Hornet"?
a. Adam West
b. Walter Brooke
c. Lloyd Gough
d. Van Williams
Van Williams - The Green Hornet followed the adventures of playboy Britt Reid.
Who played Earth 2's Devon Adair, leader of the colonial
a. Amy Dolenz
b. Debra Miesel
c. Lou-Ann Gott
d. Debrah Farentino
Debrah Farentino - Farentino made her debut in the TV series Capitol.
Set in the year 2517, what short-lived TV series followed the
adventures of the crew of the spaceship Serenity?
a. Firefly
b. Battlestar Galactica
c. Babylon 5
d. Farscape
Firefly - Firefly was canceled after eleven of the fourteen produced episodes were aired.
First airing in 2008, what TV series features a team that
investigates unexplained mysteries, which are often related to a parallel universe?
a. Fringe
b. X-Files
c. The Vampire Diaries
d. Supernatural
Fringe - The series ended on January 18, 2013, after five seasons.
Which science fiction series used the word "Frak" as a
fictional version of the expletive "fuck"?
a. Stargate Universe
b. Farscape
c. Babylon 5
d. Battlestar Galactica
Battlestar Galactica - Battlestar Galactica ran for four seasons.
Which Star Trek series told the adventures of a Starfleet
vessel that became stranded in the Delta Quadrant?
a. Star Trek - Voyager
b. Star Trek - The Next Generation
c. Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
d. Star Trek - Enterprise
Star Trek - Voyager - The series featured a female captain named Kathryn Janeway.
Which series is listed in Guinness World Records as the
longest-running science fiction TV series in the world?
a. Doctor Who
b. Star Trek
c. The Twilight Zone
d. Stargate Atlantis
Doctor Who - During its run, eleven different actors have played the Doctor.

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